Insect control


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 14, 2010
Does anyone else have a problem with flies in their area? If so, what to do you do about it? We are having a major problem with flies around the yard near the coop and runs.
Most of our flock has the run of the yard and usually uses the coop and pens for roosting. They are also becoming a problem up by the house and are getting into the house. Since we can't remember having this problem before we got the chickens and turkeys the only thing we can attribute it to is the flock. Would love to find a solution to the problem before the family comes in for the holidays. Thanks!
I would recommend a couple flyswatters a couple boys and a bounty on confirmed kills. I would suggest a penny each.
I usually put one of those disposable stinky traps out away from the house, where I won't smell it. That usually keeps them from being a problem here.
Muscovy ducks eat lots of flies.

You can also lime the areas where your chickens poop the most. Or lay down lots of dried litter such as leaves. If you have a tiller, try tilling the soil under when you can.

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