Inside coop bedding suggestions?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Before you reply to this below suggesting sand, please understand that I'm unable to convince my dad to go with that.
My dad and I are close to finishing the new coop and currently it doesn't have a fenced yard attached to it but it's big enough for the flock. Since I free range, the flock doesn't really hang out too much in their current fenced yard anyway. Mainly I need bedding ideas because the coop height is tall enough for me to walk into and I sometimes tend to go outside barefoot so easy cleaning is helpful(Please don't judge me for going barefoot into a chicken yard, I've been doing this since I was 10).

To give you an idea of what our new coop looks like, It looks like this one

Post your suggestions below!
What kind of bedding you use may depend on how you manage the manure.
This is about cleaning, but covers my big picture

-I use poop boards under roosts with thin(<1/2") layer of sand/PDZ mix, sifted daily(takes 5-10mins) into bucket going to friends compost.

-Scrape big or wet poops off roost and ramps as needed.

-Pine shavings on coop floor, add some occasionally, totally changed out once or twice a year, old shavings added to run.

- My runs have semi-deep litter(cold composting), never clean anything out, just add smaller dry materials on occasion, add larger wood chippings as needed.
Aged ramial wood chippings are best IMO.

-Nests are bedded with straw, add some occasionally, change out if needed(broken egg).

There is no odor, unless a fresh cecal has been dropped and when I open the bucket to add more poop.

That's how I keep it 'clean', have not found any reason to clean 'deeper' in 7 years.

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