Instant oatmeal?


10 Years
Jun 10, 2009
I know that oatmeal is a good warm feel for chickens on a cold day and I was wondering if instant oatmeal would be okay to use. Would the plain be best and not the ones that have those little kernals of strawberries? Any other warm snacks that are fast and simple chickens can have?
I had several boxes of outdated instant oatmeal of different varieties. The fruit and cream kind and brown sugar/ cinnamon, etc... I fed it to my girls last winter. It didn't harm them. It is only a treat, as long as it is not replacing their feed, go for it! Mine loved fighting over the berries and chunks!

As far as other warm treats. Mine get left overs from the night before. When it is cold out, I put the entire "chicken bucket" in the microwave for a minute or two before I take it to them. It gives them a nice warm start for the day.
Don't see why it would hurt to give it to them now and then.
I use the oatmeal, flaxseed and bran cook/boil type. It is cheaper than the other brands, which is odd.
They love it and sometimes I throw in dry cat food crunchies.

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