Integrating chicks into flock at 4 weeks old.

One of the values of introducing them at 4 weeks is the older birds don't think of the younger ones as much of a threat. Not like if you bring them in as adults. Most of the "fussing" will be over food so hopefully the littles will figure out they have to let the bigs eat first if they are being aggressive. Eventually there will be more fussing as all the birds figure out where they want to be in the pecking order (which isn't necessarily where they will end up).
I've seen a lot of you say you put them in the outside brooder at a week old. Can you do it at a few days old or no? Just making sure all my ducks are in a row for this new adventure, lol
I've seen a lot of you say you put them in the outside brooder at a week old. Can you do it at a few days old or no? Just making sure all my ducks are in a row for this new adventure, lol
Do you mean chicks? :gig

If you have reasonably mild spring weather above freezing, you can brood chicks from one-day old outdoors. All you need is an enclosed secure run and electricity for the heating system.
Ditto Dat!!

I wait until a week after hatching just to make sure they are all eating/drinking/pooping/moving around/and using the heat plate ok.
Do you mean chicks? :gig

Ditto Dat!!

I wait until a week after hatching just to make sure they are all eating/drinking/pooping/moving around/and using the heat plate ok.
I live in central Texas, by the time they get here in March it will be in the 70's during the day and 40's or 50's at night. I love this topic and look forward to implementing all that I've learned! Thank y'all!
I've seen a lot of you say you put them in the outside brooder at a week old. Can you do it at a few days old or no?

I put them outside literally from the moment I step out of the car with a box of peeping chicks, usually 2-3 days old. They don't come inside the house or even the garage for a minute anymore.

With your temperatures you shouldn't have an issue starting them outside immediately, though if that makes you nervous, it doesn't do them any harm to be indoors for a few days either. I just don't want to deal with having to set that up and then the subsequent clean up.
I put them outside literally from the moment I step out of the car with a box of peeping chicks, usually 2-3 days old. They don't come inside the house or even the garage for a minute anymore.

With your temperatures you shouldn't have an issue starting them outside immediately, though if that makes you nervous, it doesn't do them any harm to be indoors for a few days either. I just don't want to deal with having to set that up and then the subsequent clean up.
Yeah, by the time they get to me they'll be 2-3 days old. And I'm actually not nervous, I'm excited, although that may charge a bit when they arrive, lol. But I plan to follow through.

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