Integration Pt 2

It's still going to happen, so that's why giving her as much space as possible and obstacles to hide behind is important, so she can make a getaway when needed, since it's unrealistic to expect to be out there every moment to monitor what they're doing.
So i have let her free range with the big girls only two days. This week was very hectic and we couldn’t let her out as much as i would’ve liked. I let her free range today and they didn’t really bother with her. We had to go to home depot so i put them all in the run and left for about an hour. I came home and the older girls still peck at her, but one more than the others. I’m currently in the middle of making a second feeder because i know having two of everything is important. We might try to just let her roost tonight in the coop because my boyfriend will be home tomorrow. I guess we’ll see how it goes.
Forgot if it's come up on the previous thread or not, but plan on opening the pop door early tomorrow morning if at all possible (or if it's safe leave it open you can just leave it open), in case she needs to hightail it out of there at sunrise.
I hope my boyfriend can open it early tomorrow morning. I think it would be safe to leave open, we’ve never had anything try to dig under the run so i might just tell him to leave it open tonight
So she hiding in a nest?
Is she getting to eat and drink?
You're just going to have to let them work it out.
Yes she’s hiding in the nesting box. My boyfriend said she has been pecking at the food if the older ones aren’t around. Not sure about water. We are putting a second feeder and waterer in the run too
Probably need more than just 1 pallet for clutter. Have you tried letting her in the free range area? The extra space might help give her more opportunity to be around the other birds but space to get away from them if needed.
Probably need more than just 1 pallet for clutter. Have you tried letting her in the free range area? The extra space might help give her more opportunity to be around the other birds but space to get away from them if needed.
I could try, the free range area is just a yard lol😂 i would have to put soemthing in front of the gate so she can’t slip through the bottom of it. I forgot to mention we also have a flipped over 5 gallon bucket she can hide behind too
Since you've had her several weeks she *should* remain in the vicinity of her coop. But I don't know the ins and outs of your yard, so up to you if you think she'll stay put with your yard the way it is.
i’m just more concerned about them still pecking at eachother
So i have let her free range with the big girls only two days. This week was very hectic and we couldn’t let her out as much as i would’ve liked. I let her free range today and they didn’t really bother with her. We had to go to home depot so i put them all in the run and left for about an hour. I came home and the older girls still peck at her, but one more than the others. I’m currently in the middle of making a second feeder because i know having two of everything is important. We might try to just let her roost tonight in the coop because my boyfriend will be home tomorrow. I guess we’ll see how it goes.
But they will not let her into the coop at night. One of them will get up and chase her out

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