International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

French marans Club de France

View attachment 1190560
Identical my friends .
I do no fellow any facebook ,they have no clue what that are talking about .

stick the original if you ever want to breed a proper marans chooks .

for me it is easier because I speak French and deal with them ( Monique Bertw .Philippe .Emille Guerinel .Syndicat of the true marans hens etc.............) every day ,so I don t need any translator .
I get my information straight from the source .

US SOP is identical to the French ,it is just peoples interpretation .

RedBank is alright .

chooks man

I would love to learn the french language so I could have conversations with those wonderful breeders. I know some french from high school, definitely not enough to carry on a conversation. But I can recognize some words and know what a few things mean. I recently learned that camail means hackle. And oeofs is eggs.. beaux oeofs is beautiful eggs.

I would like to breed my birds to reflect how the french intended them to look. I am on the Marans Club de France website frequently trying to soak it all in. :)
Yes. I can see that, the main thing is LP has the egg colours where I’d like mine to be on a regular basis.
No..... I think it would be great to have a LP rooster. It is just that the particular LP I was given could not add to what I already had.... he was actually the sire of some of my birds.
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I would love to learn the french language so I could have conversations with those wonderful breeders. I know some french from high school, definitely not enough to carry on a conversation. But I can recognize some words and know what a few things mean. I recently learned that camail means hackle. And oeofs is eggs.. beaux oeofs is beautiful eggs.

I would like to breed my birds to reflect how the french intended them to look. I am on the Marans Club de France website frequently trying to soak it all in. :)

Me too.....
I misread your post, two of your hens laid those 14 eggs and you're saving them up to set. Sorry, I was too busy ogling the eggs and I didn't pay attention. :lol:
I knew what you meant! Thank you! Eggs are pretty scarce around here. I have been collecting these since I set the last batch so minus a couple for cooking these are all the eggs I have collected in over two weeks. I can't remember them ever taking this long to molt..... sometimes I think they are laying them out in the woods so I can't find them!

The hen you like is called Sister because she and Gabby are so hard to tell apart. I hope your little cockerel is like the one I have now or better! I have certainly changed my mind about him.... I hate to say it but he may turn out to be way better than Antonio. I guess I should be excited to say it.

I am loving the first hen's comb! And the hen in the second pic my eye went straight to her tail. Very nice! I love how your birds are not the fluffy type like a lot of my LA birds are. Very nicely feathered and they hold themselves well. They all look so elegant. Their plumage is a great asset. You can tell they have great mass and are not all fluff and feathers.
I knew what you meant! Thank you! Eggs are pretty scarce around here. I have been collecting these since I set the last batch so minus a couple for cooking these are all the eggs I have collected in over two weeks. I can't remember them ever taking this long to molt..... sometimes I think they are laying them out in the woods so I can't find them!

The hen you like is called Sister because she and Gabby are so hard to tell apart. I hope your little cockerel is like the one I have now or better! I have certainly changed my mind about him.... I hate to say it but he may turn out to be way better than Antonio. I guess I should be excited to say it.

Yes be very excited! He is looking very good. I'm looking forward to seeing how he looks as me matures.

Sister is a bird fit for the show cages right now. I would put my money on her for a ribbon, or multiple ribbons! Absolutely stunning bird!

My original LA hens are taking forever to molt also. When I moved them last night I was able to see just how many blood feathers they still had. I don't look for the older girls to lay again until spring here. Your mild winter weather is a wonderful luxury.

As your girls may very well be laying in the weeds. In an old dog house or an overturned bucket, inside an old tire, or in the bed of your truck. I can't tell you how many times I've been poking around in the weeds or my husband's been mowing and found a secret nest hidden away! Every single year I find many secret nests, usually when an old broody hen leads me to it. My blue coppers were laying behind my clematis in the flower bed. Chickens are smarter than most give them credit for. They realize when someone is stealing their eggs everyday and will find a "safer" place to lay them. We call chicks born to a hen that hatched a secret clutch "weed hatch chickens" because she hid them away and hatched them in the weeds. lol
Keepers #1
View attachment 1191029 Keepers #2
View attachment 1191030 View attachment 1191031
Right choice? #2 is a fair bit smaller than 1 although I like the way his comb looks and he’s starting to colour very nice I think.

He does have a very nice comb! Definitely hang on to him.. he would be a keeper in my book. His color looks like it will be nice once he matures more. He has a solid black breast, free of shafting or leakage. Long back and good tail angle. Leg feathering is good, and type is excellent. This bird will be stunning, I would wager. You don't need any LP's if you keep cranking out birds like this! Well done!

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