International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Okay so I just got back in from visiting my black coppers. After getting my hands on them and taking individual pictures, I am liking my FRF cockerels more. Two of them anyway. The high tailed, bad combed, strange back feathered cockerel is still a cull at this point so no pictures of him.

I took the best pics I could.. cockerel #2 kept trying to get away. How do you like them posing on our feed barrel? :D

Cockerel #1 (FRF)
3 months old
Very gentle, easy to handle.
Good eye color
I am liking his comb so far.
After getting my hands on him, his tail is coming in slowly but surely (you just cant tell from looking at him).
He is coloring up nice on his back already and his hackle coloring seems appropriate.
He is smaller than cockerel #2 but is more plump and meaty.
I think he has great type
Better leg feathering than cockerel #2
This one is my favorite so far.

Cockerel #2 (FRF):
Also 3 months old
He is bigger than cockerel #1, but seems leaner in build.
Sometimes his tail looks like it is ever so slightly wry-tailed.
His leg feathering isnt the best but I can work with what he has. Some middle toe feathering.
His tail isn't as open in the back as you all like. Am I right?

And I just happened to catch one of my pullets from my Louisiana group. Those girls are quick and a little more hesitant to come near me than the cockerels. This one is probably my favorite. She has the most color in her hackle of all the pullets in that group. She is 4 months old.

Sorry.. I didn't meat to cut her head off. I'm a nurse not a photographer.. better keep my day job (or night job rather). lol

Nice open tail.. right? I'm learning!

LOL.... thanks Chooks man..... I will get some better pictures. He was a good distance away and it was dark thirty, poor light. I only let them out while I clean the pens and refill water/feed. I start about 30 minutes before sunset. I don't think they really understand time, they don't know they have been locked up for 23 1/2 hours! At least they are safe.

I would like some chicks from either of those two hens of yours. They are so nice.

Do you like Bello's copper? He has so much compared to the other two.

You were right..... I have a good start with these cockerels.

Here are pictures of them when they were chicks. Don't know who is who. This is a picture that Feels Right Farm took.

Even as chicks you could tell these guys were gonna be big and wide!

I love that first pic, was already showing off as a day old lol.
Okay so I just got back in from visiting my black coppers. After getting my hands on them and taking individual pictures, I am liking my FRF cockerels more. Two of them anyway. The high tailed, bad combed, strange back feathered cockerel is still a cull at this point so no pictures of him.

I took the best pics I could.. cockerel #2 kept trying to get away. How do you like them posing on our feed barrel? :D

Cockerel #1 (FRF)
3 months old
Very gentle, easy to handle.
Good eye color
I am liking his comb so far.
After getting my hands on him, his tail is coming in slowly but surely (you just cant tell from looking at him).
He is coloring up nice on his back already and his hackle coloring seems appropriate.
He is smaller than cockerel #2 but is more plump and meaty.
I think he has great type
Better leg feathering than cockerel #2
This one is my favorite so far.

Cockerel #2 (FRF):
Also 3 months old
He is bigger than cockerel #1, but seems leaner in build.
Sometimes his tail looks like it is ever so slightly wry-tailed.
His leg feathering isnt the best but I can work with what he has. Some middle toe feathering.
His tail isn't as open in the back as you all like. Am I right?

And I just happened to catch one of my pullets from my Louisiana group. Those girls are quick and a little more hesitant to come near me than the cockerels. This one is probably my favorite. She has the most color in her hackle of all the pullets in that group. She is 4 months old.

Sorry.. I didn't meat to cut her head off. I'm a nurse not a photographer.. better keep my day job (or night job rather). lol

Nice open tail.. right? I'm learning!

Cockerel #1 is going to be a nice bird ones he finishes growing!

I also like that pullet you caught, her color is good.

I am too tired today to do any accurate critiquing/commenting on anything else.

I've been watching someone else 8 dogs for a few days.
Their 8 animals plus my own 40ish animals to tend to, I think I might crash as soon as I eat lol.


Here are a couple more pics of cockerel #2 I forgot upload. Sorry his feathers look rough. He kept trying to get away. His eye color is good. His comb is okay I think. No side sprigs or coronation comb or thumb print. Good number of points. I am still learning the ropes with combs and such. ;)

Here are a couple more pics of cockerel #2 I forgot upload. Sorry his feathers look rough. He kept trying to get away. His eye color is good. His comb is okay I think. No side sprigs or coronation comb or thumb print. Good number of points. I am still learning the ropes with combs and such.
I love this picture. The expression on his face is priceless. I am learning combs and always get something wrong.... like I think they are good and they are not or vice versa. I wonder if the point right before the blade is supposed to be deeper. Mind you I bring it up only to learn, it is not a deal breaker. I am waiting for Chooks man or Braxton Brigade to tell me I am wrong. I will get back to the others in a bit. I want to post a pic of one of FRF's birds that looks like your #1 but I want to text Amanda and ask about him so I can pass on the info to you.
Yes.... at a glance Claude and Bello are hard to tell apart. I know them so of course it is easy for me but they look just alike. Same silhouette. I believe Antonio is from the LP rooster. He is built like a tank. Gabby is always at my feet. Yesterday I picked her up and she is a very solid heavy hen.

I have a couple of pullets with very little copper but good type - Claude or Bello
Gabby and her like - Antonio..... at least this first go around.
I am looking forward to the chicks
Photos of them please I don t like driving in the dark .

show the photos of all the poulettes you are thinking are worthy and will hatch them up .

I like to see the subject before I ll match them up . who they are going to compliment each other .

that why I did match him with my hens .I did show the photos of them so you guys can understand how they compliment each other.

chooks man

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