International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP



From this shot we see =
well balanced body held well together .lifted from the front sign of a good legs joints and placement . this body type will never become goofy type .tilted to the front ( too much bird at the front )
the thigh and the shank are well formed .well bent not straight supporting the body well , without lifting it too much from the ground .
the back of the chick is nice straight a little tilted .

Take all this note .they will help you to see the marans chicks in a different way . not just cute and plum . a lot to look for at that age .

chooks man
A cute, plump chick is all I thought you could see at this age. Thanks!
Kitchen scale . I put a plastic basket on the top and i fit the chooks in it . they normal sit there when they get used to it .
I weight mine since they hatch . so they know the routine .

chooks man

I use human's scale. I weigh myself with and without chicken and do some maths. I learned it from a vet who weighed my rip dog (german shepherd) long time ago.
Pullet are not laying. I have 14 pullets and 7 hens. Hens are molting and are not laying. I kept three cockerels this year. The plan is to bred 1 cock bird to 7 hens and rotate the cocks between the three groups. That's 30 chics per hen times 21 hens, times 3 cocks!!! Jeezz that's about 6000 chics!!! Glad we love chics

@Old Man Tom you are as mad as I m . any thing with 3 zeros I m part of it .

you don t have to breed them in one years .
breed first the one you think ( or are showing ) superior sign .

chooks man
Well, I found a couple of surprises when I checked the nest boxes today. Unfortunately, I don’t have an egg weight scale - I need to fix that!

The large green egg on top I’m not sure about - I’ll let ChooksMan comment on that. :lau

The super jumbo egg (almost turkey egg sized) was laid by a BLCM Pullet (Poor Girl :eek:)! The color, shape and sheen are lacking IMO. I’ll give her more time to see what she produces over time before I decide if I’ll breed her.

The second egg was laid by a BCM Pullet - I like the color, size, shape and sheen. This Pullet has good mass and a nice small thin pointed tail - her comb is horrid (flopped, crooked and uneven points) and she lacks a full copper hackle but what she does have is more mahogany. I’ll breed her just for the egg color, mass and tail.

The third (fart) egg was laid by Andalina a BLCM Pullet. She’s been laying for a couple months and normally lays a nice large egg with good color (#6 sometimes #7), shape and sheen. Not sure why she laid an egg this small but it’s dark! Andalina has excellent mass, Nice thin pointed tail, and somewhat decent hackle color. Her comb is neither great or horrible. I’ll breed this girl for the egg color, mass and tail.

All three of these pullets are the progeny of Briscoe BCM Cock and Charlene Splash Hen.


Take Care All,

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