International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Here are a few of the females he is with.

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Fall 2017 pullet

They look darker in the pics but all 3 have copper, just not very much. That is why I think they'll do well with the cockerel since he is lighter in the hackle.

Not sure which of the 3 this one is but she's nice and wide.
Here are a few of the females he is with.

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Fall 2017 pullet
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They look darker in the pics but all 3 have copper, just not very much. That is why I think they'll do well with the cockerel since he is lighter in the hackle.
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Not sure which of the 3 this one is but she's nice and wide.
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You should produce some decent birds out of that pen!
Where o where are Chooks Man and Red Banks. We are trying to breed to SOP standards?? That means lots and lots of our own chics from our own stocks!! Seems like buying chics and cock birds from other breeders is going to set you back! Remember CHOOKS MAN saying you and Red Banks have all the genetics you need? The cockerel you got from (Harvey??) is great, but you have no idea what he will reproduce!!
With my birds I had to use a cock with a lot of copper on his chest to put copper hackle on the hens. Looks like two different groups, one for hens and one for show cocks. Not that I have any!
Remember this is going to take years and years! My hens are molting and I am getting zero eggs! I hate zero eggs! I cannot hatch without eggs!! TOM
Im not sure which of the Marans threads I posted my cockerell in, but I think it might've been this one.
I posted about my cockerel (whose father is over colored and mother is under colored) who is almost completely black. His hackles are gorgeous, but he only has a tiny bit on his wings and saddle.
I can't find the picture of him younger so here he is now:

(sorry for the back picture. He was excited and wouldnt stay still)
Cull or wait until he molts?
Where o where are Chooks Man and Red Banks. We are trying to breed to SOP standards?? That means lots and lots of our own chics from our own stocks!! Seems like buying chics and cock birds from other breeders is going to set you back! Remember CHOOKS MAN saying you and Red Banks have all the genetics you need? The cockerel you got from (Harvey??) is great, but you have no idea what he will reproduce!!
With my birds I had to use a cock with a lot of copper on his chest to put copper hackle on the hens. Looks like two different groups, one for hens and one for show cocks. Not that I have any!
Remember this is going to take years and years! My hens are molting and I am getting zero eggs! I hate zero eggs! I cannot hatch without eggs!! TOM

I am struggling to eliminate high tails and white underfluff from my birds and I probably will be able to eliminated it eventually in several years, but it is frustrating and very disappointing to deal with. Harvey offered me a cockerel that he felt would help and I'm very pleased with him. Harvey has beautiful stock and I think mated to a few of my hens will produce some good looking offspring. I hope so anyway. I will continue to breed my line pure and will create a separate line based on the cockerel from Harvey. So I will still work with my birds pure as they are.
Where o where are Chooks Man and Red Banks. We are trying to breed to SOP standards?? That means lots and lots of our own chics from our own stocks!! Seems like buying chics and cock birds from other breeders is going to set you back! Remember CHOOKS MAN saying you and Red Banks have all the genetics you need? The cockerel you got from (Harvey??) is great, but you have no idea what he will reproduce!!
With my birds I had to use a cock with a lot of copper on his chest to put copper hackle on the hens. Looks like two different groups, one for hens and one for show cocks. Not that I have any!
Remember this is going to take years and years! My hens are molting and I am getting zero eggs! I hate zero eggs! I cannot hatch without eggs!! TOM

lol I miss them too. I can't order from local breeders. Their flocks are so far from standard and they don't seem to appreciate breeding for quality- just egg color. I recently pointed out to one on a forum that her pullets for sale were in fact cockerels due to autosexing genes and the mix she posted. I have to work with what I have and hope for a cockerel as nice looking as @kfelton0002 new arrival. And I have to wait until spring to even think about it!!!
Im not sure which of the Marans threads I posted my cockerell in, but I think it might've been this one.
I posted about my cockerel (whose father is over colored and mother is under colored) who is almost completely black. His hackles are gorgeous, but he only has a tiny bit on his wings and saddle.
I can't find the picture of him younger so here he is now:
View attachment 1554016
(sorry for the back picture. He was excited and wouldnt stay still)
Cull or wait until he molts?
He looks really good! How old? I bet you could put him over a lot of hens.

Wait: you're gonna cull him? Why? You have another that you like better?

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