International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Oh ok you were referring to golden salmon then right? Wild type, aka black breasted red. I thought you said silver salmon.

I have BBR Old English Games and really like them. I'll be showing one of my hens in May. :)

View attachment 1720152

silver salmon and a golden salmon are a same .the only difference is a silver or gold .

gorgeous pullet you have there .I don t know much about them . the pattern of your pullet is partridge to me not wild type .
what do you say ?

chooks man
silver salmon and a golden salmon are a same .the only difference is a silver or gold .

gorgeous pullet you have there .I don t know much about them . the pattern of your pullet is partridge to me not wild type .
what do you say ?

chooks man

It may be the lighting. I will try to get a pic in natural light today. I thought she was wild type. That's what the birds were sold to me as.
It may be the lighting. I will try to get a pic in natural light today. I thought she was wild type. That's what the birds were sold to me as.

wild type hens has a darker body ,salmon chest and a yellow golden hackle .

your pullet look to me her body is more uniform . like Welsummer . I ll wait to see some photos in the natural light .

she is gorgeous a tiny too .

chooks man
wild type hens has a darker body ,salmon chest and a yellow golden hackle .

your pullet look to me her body is more uniform . like Welsummer . I ll wait to see some photos in the natural light .

she is gorgeous a tiny too .

chooks man

Thank you. She weighs 3.6 pounds so a tad under standard weight. I'll try to take some pics this evening.
It’s been a long hard winter here. Kept the runs wrapped to keep the snow out and didn’t really get to freerange. They’re all looking a bit rough and enjoying a dust bath. Tried to get good picks of my only roo since chester checked out. He lost his points but did better that we thought he would. Not sure if I should breed him or find another. His eyes aren’t that great, feathers on front of legs, tail is a bit high. And he has this white feather on his tail. Parasitic white?
View attachment 1720319 View attachment 1720318 View attachment 1720317 View attachment 1720315 View attachment 1720311 It’s been a long hard winter here. Kept the runs wrapped to keep the snow out and didn’t really get to freerange. They’re all looking a bit rough and enjoying a dust bath. Tried to get good picks of my only roo since chester checked out. He lost his points but did better that we thought he would. Not sure if I should breed him or find another. His eyes aren’t that great, feathers on front of legs, tail is a bit high. And he has this white feather on his tail. Parasitic white?

he is not that bad ,
yes he does have a parasitic white . but his tail is good a little longer but I don t see it higher .maybe a photo.
love his copper quality ,just he has too much of it in his chest .

how easy for you to find another cockerel?

chooks man
how easy for you to find another cockerel?

chooks man

Not really. No reputable breeders in my area. There’s a Facebook group and those that post have mediocre stock and I’ve see a few advertising cocks as pullets. Would be wiser if me to ask for eggs here. I do have 2 pullet from his same order that are likely good mates for him. 1 has next to no copper at all. I’ll try to get pucks of them.
Edit to add: but do I want to deal with that white? How will that pass on? I should have paid better attention to @kfelton0002 struggles

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