International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


Here us my boy Zeus
Burnese mountain dogs are considered a working dog, related in demeanor and stature to other mastiff and mossler type dogs. I have worked with my boy Apollo, but he would never make a "true" livestock guardian. He loves being a pet and general farm dog more. It may or may not work, but definitely not impossible. I got my boy Zeus from a farm advertising on Craigslist. If you get a cross, look for a cross of two livestock guardian breeds. You can get both hybrid vigor and a set of parents that both are bred towards guarding livestock. Livestock guardians are bred to naturally have a low prey drive paired with a high 'guard' drive. They have a lot of specific behaviors that lend to their job that centuries of breeding have led to. I would honestly recommend only purchasing livestock guardian breeds to do the work, and they need to have been dam raised outdoors from working parents, with first vaccinations. The parents teach the pups right from the start not to play with livestock. That's not to say the owner doesn't interact with them, guarding chickens will require a people friendly dog, however, a pup needs a good foundation. Some people kennel the livestock guardians while they are under a year to prevent bad interactions that might set a bad precedent.
Some breeds of livestock guardian are better suited than others for poultry. While Great Pyrenees are traditionally excellent livestock guardians with a long history, some people have taken to breed them to be house pets. The qualities that make good guardians make for terrible house pets, but sometimes these pet bred dogs get mixed in with true guardians, and you loose some of their desirable traits.
Good luck in your search!
Burnese mountain dogs are considered a working dog, related in demeanor and stature to other mastiff and mossler type dogs. I have worked with my boy Apollo, but he would never make a "true" livestock guardian. He loves being a pet and general farm dog more. It may or may not work, but definitely not impossible. I got my boy Zeus from a farm advertising on Craigslist. If you get a cross, look for a cross of two livestock guardian breeds. You can get both hybrid vigor and a set of parents that both are bred towards guarding livestock. Livestock guardians are bred to naturally have a low prey drive paired with a high 'guard' drive. They have a lot of specific behaviors that lend to their job that centuries of breeding have led to. I would honestly recommend only purchasing livestock guardian breeds to do the work, and they need to have been dam raised outdoors from working parents, with first vaccinations. The parents teach the pups right from the start not to play with livestock. That's not to say the owner doesn't interact with them, guarding chickens will require a people friendly dog, however, a pup needs a good foundation. Some people kennel the livestock guardians while they are under a year to prevent bad interactions that might set a bad precedent.
Some breeds of livestock guardian are better suited than others for poultry. While Great Pyrenees are traditionally excellent livestock guardians with a long history, some people have taken to breed them to be house pets. The qualities that make good guardians make for terrible house pets, but sometimes these pet bred dogs get mixed in with true guardians, and you loose some of their desirable traits.
Good luck in your search!
here in oz we have a lot of maremma s dogs .they do a great job .they bark a lot .
I have a couple of them they are super gentle with aall my animal .I wish I could say a same thing about my German sheperd cross ..

chooks man
today I added couple s of nest boxes to the breeders coop . and fix a little door too .just need a coat of paint and will look great . they where not keen going in to roost at night .I needed to assist ,they wanted to go back to they old coop ,because they still can see it and hearing the other chooks roosting . they will get used to it in few days for sure .
i laid today s eggs in the new nest boxes

chooks man
few photos of the breeders in they new run ,lot of grass ,they where realy happy about it , all sort of grass and seeds .

in a couples of days I ll start collecting they eggs .
I will get a lot colour varieties out of this pen .
golden and silver dark cuckoos ,blue and black
solid Black and solid Blue
Black copper and Blue copper
Mossy Black copper and silver black split white
chooks man
photos of Rashad . he has the best body type of all marans roosters I have .he has a classical marans body type .his comb is terrible and he has a parasitic white on his tail ,but best body type I ever bred in the last 10 years .
perfect marans body type

let see what he can do I m giving him the best chance to breed some thing very special .I paired him with 9 different hens to complement him . it is up to him now
I will incubate every egg coming out of his pen except the deformed one s .
chooks man

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