Interviewing Runner Ducks (with Pics starting Page#6 and 8)

The third day of outdoor baby duck deployment dawns tomorrow. I noticed our Buff Orpington hen sneaking between the flight pen up the hill and the baby pen. I suspect she is carrying secret messages between the adults and babies that, if I can bribe her into telling me what they are, we might have a clue about the shape of the secret plot.

Meanwhile, my Australorp spy has told me that, according to the two babies, the 1 gallon dog waterer is the bestest ducky toy ever.
Oh yeah,, my Runners are in on it too!! This morning as I was doing a head count I accidently kicked half a dog kennel on the ground,, one very mad and ruffled RUNNER hen came flying out and look what she was hiding! Her momma hatched her on the first hard freeze last year, tonight is our first hard freeze. She's hoarding!!!

Under those leaves are about 20 eggs!
Your Buff was using a cell phone to call my Buff who then started a revolt.
It got dark here about 4 or so and I had to chase them all down in the dark, in the rainy snow, in the MUD because YOUR Buff got my Buff going.

Something MUST Be Done!!
They were roosting on top of the baby pen yesterday when I went to collect the ducklings for the evening and today...

Today I went out there to get the babies and only one ran to me, so I brought her in. As soon as she realized I only had one duckling in my arms, she started to scream and her sister started to scream. I put her into the brooder and came back out to find out that the runners heard the babies and were panicking. I almost had a duck revolt.

Luckily, I reunited both babies and life settled down. Otherwise, they might have put the Master Plan into motion early.
This is Hershey, the worlds most broody Runner duck and her man Twinkie. The other duck is my Mallard/Pekin cross, and she is super broody too! They are both known to steal babies from other ducks and chickens, and they will take eggs from each other and roll them several yards to their own nests!

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OH yeah! Hershey ducks her pretty little head down and looks all meek and sweet,, what she's really doing is checking under the door to the coop behind Nugget trying to see if there are any eggs she can lift. Twinkie is the lookout, see how alert he is??
Just this afternoon,,, I found Hershey sitting on some lovely eggs,, large brown eggs,,,,, the ones that the Sisters use to pay their rent?? I thought they weren't laying because it was cold! Oh no,,, The duck stole them!

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