Fawn and Fam

10 Years
Apr 2, 2013
This morning I found this in the poop board from one of my year & 1/2 old hens. I've never seen anything like it before in my 3 & 1/2 years of raising chickens. It looks like intestines. It doesn't look like the pics of intestinal lining shed on the chicken poop chart.

Does anyone know what this is? Should I be concerned? What do I need to do?

Could it be worms? I have no idea but I'm guessing. I wouldn't "think" it wouldn't be intestines as they are connected and would still be be connected but I'm only guessing. Take my word as a guess but trying to help.

How is she acting?
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I just gave them their scheduled dewormer about 1 month ago and didn't notice any worms before or after so I'm certain it isn't worms.

I'm not exactly sure of who it is but I have it nailed down to one of three girls. All of them are acting normal.

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