Introducing the Ideal Dozen

These are not the chicken tenders you were looking for.

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I needed to capture and contain the chicks so that I could take up the paper towels and inspect all the little pasty butts. What better container than the old breader container that the deli had gotten rid of? (I scored a pickle bucket and two of these big containers this week).

I only had 3 messy behinds to clean up this time.

Here's the remodeled brooder with training perch, huddle box, and a place for the wet mash dish.

View attachment 2684571

Speaking of that wet mash, I need to find something better for it than the jar lid. Rectangular by preference so they can all eat at once because it's a madhouse when they spot it. Once the first chick starts to peck they all pile on.

I'm going to give it several times a day until the pasty butt is gone and then not more than once a day -- probably midday when it's hot.
LOVE this brooder space! 😍
Only 3 significant pasty butts this afternoon.

After cleaning, everyone had a fresh batch of wet mash.


Interestingly, our Black Langshans from Ideal had the only pasty butts we've ever had. They were also the sleepy, antisocial chicks in the brooder that made you worry. They're like that as adults, too, but you'll start to appreciate their independence. I love those birds. Hope you get pink eggs!

It's equal opportunity among the breeds, actually -- some of each had it to begin with and 3 different ones still having issues.

I am definitely hoping for the pink or purple eggs.
It's equal opportunity among the breeds, actually -- some of each had it to begin with and 3 different ones still having issues.

I am definitely hoping for the pink or purple eggs.
I haven’t updated my Ideal Langshan thread in a while, but ours turned into good layers. Medium eggs 5 days a week. Two lay pink most of the time. One is still laying those medium brown “pixelated” eggs 😊
They're sucking down wet mash like crazy!

I have been too busy to take pictures, but I'm going to draft the 15yo to help me with chick bottoms when he gets home from school and might get some photos then.

Tomorrow will be nervous. I will have to unplug their lamp at 7am when we leave for work and school lest they roast in the expected 93F sunshine and trust them to group up in their huddle box if they're chilly until the temperatures start climbing.

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