Introduction :Birdslave (Among other animals...)


Jan 10, 2020
Hi all,
I am in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have extensive experience with a multitude of animals both wild and domesticated. I love all creatures. I have had amphibians, reptiles, marsupials, mammals and fish. I invented things I never "Patented" to continue life with fish. The only thing I can't handle is spiders. Sorry. YUCK! I am a very gentle-hearted person with a deep understanding and love for animals of all kinds, including many insects, believe it or not. I have no problem gaining the trust of animals, ironically, but not so much with people due to my outright honesty. Funny. I love camping, and I am not Vegan, sorry. So I like fishing. Yes, I love everything, but honestly, I thought to myself about stop eating animal flesh and as I worked down the food chain in my mind, with the knowledge of predatorial plants like the Venus Fly Trap, the Pitcher Plant, and the weird other plants that curl its sticky appendages up in a rolling fashion to itself when catching bugs along with the "Carrion" smelling plant that attracts flies to pollinate it...I was at a stale-mate as far as plants. Remember the show back in the '80s on TV about kurlian (spelling questionable, sorry) Photography where they'd cut a part of a leaf off and take a picture, then the picture image showed where the part of the leaf missing should have been in sparkly golden and red/green lights in some sort of "Ghost image"? Or during the same show, they'd act violent and record how the plant reacted when wired-up with their metering gizmos? Or a plant they said remembered a violent interaction when the violent person came back in the room? Most of it was debunked, but if ya want to get technical about it, it makes you want to never eat anything ever again!!!! We are alive, and must eat. Our bodies will pay back the plants when we ourselves break-down. So be it. So, I like fishing, along with camping. I'm middle age. I love a good laugh. -Birdslave
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I don't have a problem eating animals or feeding animals to my animals. We are what we are. I just prefer the animals whose lives were sacrificed were dispatched humanely and lived a wonderful life up until that point.
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I don't have a problem eating animals or feeding animals to my animals. We are what we are. I just prefer the animals whose lives were sacrificed were dispatched humanely and lived a wonderful up until that point.
I say hello to you! And I also so deeply agree with you. Bless through the land and earth spirits the food in thanks, not the horror of slaughter. Yes. Peace-out!
Hi! Welcome! I'm a bird slave too!!! Well, maybe more of an indentured servant. :) I think you'll fit right in here!
Well, then hello to you. I hope I serve you well. My heart is here. Teach me as I grow with you all. I can hardly wait!!! Did you know my Plymouth Rock chicken(one of them) sings opera? The other one sings the intro to "Deep space nine". I just have yet to get them on a camera. Lazy. Well, actually, they do it a lot, but I just have to catch them at it!!! They're funny. Going on 4 years. I just got a pheasant, too. AHHHH! A gentle hand, a gentle eye, and with a soft voice I hope he'll try, the sky is the limit if he just gives in to his fears of "Imprisonment" till he meets his peers.
Hey and welcome home to BYC. Ask these folks anything, no really! They have no shortage of knowledge, or opinions and like me, they all love to laugh occasionally. They all have empathy for someone that has gone through the same joy and heartache that they too have experienced. You have come to the right place and we will love having you here. Maybe some pics of your babies so we can say awww....

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