Is 3 weeks too old?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2017
We are getting 3(ish) week old chicks this weekend. I know you guys all say to handle them a lot as chicks so that they can be handled later. Are we past that point at this age? Or will handling them now still result in easily handled adults?

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Hey there! I'm a newbie myself, so I'll do my best to answer. Even though we got our chicks at about two weeks, they warmed up to us pretty fast, especially once they realized where the treats come from :) . I think as long as you spend time with them, even just sitting near their enclosure or even in it if there's room, they will bond with you. All chickens have different personalities, as we are finding out, so don't feel worried if one or two of your birds won't allow you to pet/handle them. Make sure you talk to them in a soothing voice as chickens, like many animals, pick up on emotions from those around them. In addition, they're a prey animal, so they really require that feeling of security in order to trust you. We have mostly friendly birds, but there is still a few that would rather we look and don't touch. Good luck!
Three weeks is not too old. Don't pick them up from above, as that triggers their predator evasion instinct. Put your hand in the brooder away from the chicks and come in slowly from the side to scoop them up, and put them back the same way. If your hand also has some treats in it, that helps as well.
I just got 4, 3-4wk old chicks, they were in a really crowded brooder 2x3 box and about 2dz chicks) box and never got handled, I have them up on a table in a wire dog kennel. Picked them up Saturday afternoon, and I am no longer the scary terrifying monster. They are calming down really well, I like this set up because I can come from the side, and the room they are in they can see all around. Good luck!
Good, thanks! I have two daughters and I know these chickens will be just as much pets as layers, so was hoping!

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You will also notice that as the chicks approach laying age (16 weeks plus, depending on the breed) that they will get much friendlier. Mine would literally pull at my shirt and crawl into my lap if I sat outside with them.

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