Is it lucrative to raise quail for egg-selling?


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm in the Seattle area and there's a high Asian population so it seems like the market would be good. But how does one go about getting into that?

Any ideas or thoughts would be helpful.
Nifty! Well, if that was me, i'd go to or call those asian markets and ask them if they are willing to buy from a local source (AKA you). I dont have that sort of luxury here in hickville lol, but if I did i'd surely be interested in what you're interested in doing! I've heard going that route is VERY profitable esp on the commertial scale...which gettinga commertial breeding license in your state im not sure about you'd probably have to concact first your game commision (or whatever name they may go by) and see if whatever quail you'd like to raise if they need a permit just to own, and then ask them who to contact from there to go about getting it commertionalized (if you're serious about breeding for markets). It wouldnt take long to get a large commertial flock of quails (esp coturnix).
It has been profitable for me, but I only have a few quail. I get about 28 eggs a week, and sell them in 10 packs. I sell them to the market for $10/package, they mark them up to $12-15. It averages about $100/month, sometimes more depending on how they're laying. I got the egg cartons free, and made the labels on my home printer, but the stickers and ink paid itself off the first batch of eggs. The markets send a driver to pick them up once a week, so I'm not spending gas money hauling them either.

It doesn't sound like much, but if I had more, I could easily sell more - but then I'd need licensing and permits and it'd get annoying. Quail eggs don't stay on the shelves around here, and when there's 'free range / organic fed' on the label, they go even faster.

A sushi restaurant down the road expressed interest in purchasing my button quail eggs, but so far I'm only interested in hatching them.

I've been told I'd be able to get more for them at the farmer's market, but I'm too fond of my Saturdays to spend them sitting in a chair at a market all day

Hey spookyeveilone, $100 a month would be dandy.
At least then the feed would be paid for and my financee, oops, I mean my fiancee,
wouldn't grouse so much about the added expense.
That's the argument I made to mine when he started accusing me of being a crazy quail lady. "Honey.. they pay for themselves. Heck, they pay for themselves AND the cats, AND my gas to work every week.. so, what was that you were saying..?"

He now wants me to get some "quail with deelyboppers on their heads" .. so we're looking at Californias for the spring.

Yes. I've also sold them for $15. They're a delicacy. I doubt they're made into omelettes
I've seen them hard boiled and deep fried, put into sushi, pickled, put in soup.. it's crazy.
That's what I sell them to the store for. The store marks them up to $12-15 and they sell them out. It's /crazy/ what the ethnic market in my area pays for them. I'm not above making a profit on it, though


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