Is it normal for my hen to lay her first egg then stop


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2016
This is my first time raising chickens so I'm kinda learning as I go.. One of my hens layed her first egg 2 days ago but she hasn't layed One that normal..and if it is how long does it usually take for her to get on a regular laying cycle..I only have 4 hens and 1 rooster and the hens are about 5 months old..I have one white silkie 2 brown hens and one bigger black hen that's feathers look green and blue when she's in the sun.. I don't know exactly what breeds they are I said I'm kinda new at this but they all get along great... One of the brown ones is the one that layed the the egg but for some reason shes maturing faster then the other brown one any ideas why that is.. They run free on my property but she did go to the coop and lay the egg in the nest box.. And one more question after she layed the egg the rooster went in and stayed with the egg and she went back out. Is that normal. Thanks for any advice
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Everything sounds like it is going great. Some chickens mature faster than others; perfectly normal. It might take a few more days for her to lay eggs and it might take a little bit for her to get on a regular cycle, but once again, that is fine. Time differs with every chicken, but it could be up to a month, likely less.

Also, your pullet might have laid an egg somewhere else. They don't always lay in the same nest, especially in the beginning, and if they free range, it is very possible she has another nest. You might want to search for it.

Post pictures of your chickens in the What Breed or Gender is this? forum if you are curious what breed you have. We might be able to help you there.
It could be a Black Australorps but to be sure like @TheKindaFarmGal have mentioned it will help if you post a photo in "what breed or gender is this thread"
My first chicken laid an egg on Monday, then Tuesday she didn't, Wednesday she did, Thursday she didn't, then finally from Friday on out she has laid every day..

This may also sound really weird. I came home around 5pm. I know I have at least 2 chickens laying eggs right now (mine are just maturing). I went over to the one that I am sure is one of the layers, and I petted her and ruffed her up a little bit. She shook it off, jumped up in the nesting box, and laid an egg right there for me. So now I am fully convinced that ruffing them up like a rooster would is is making them proactive on laying eggs
My first chicken laid an egg on Monday, then Tuesday she didn't, Wednesday she did, Thursday she didn't, then finally from Friday on out she has laid every day..

This may also sound really weird.  I came home around 5pm.  I know I have at least 2 chickens laying eggs right now (mine are just maturing). I went over to the one that I am sure is one of the layers, and I petted her and ruffed her up a little bit.  She shook it off, jumped up in the nesting box, and laid an egg right there for me.  So now I am fully convinced that ruffing them up like a rooster would is is making them proactive on laying eggs
It could be a Black Australorps but to be sure like @TheKindaFarmGal have mentioned it will help if you post a photo in "what breed or gender is this thread"
This is my first time raising chickens so I'm kinda learning as I go.. One of my hens layed her first egg 2 days ago but she hasn't layed One that normal..and if it is how long does it usually take for her to get on a regular laying cycle..I only have 4 hens and 1 rooster and the hens are about 5 months old..I have one white silkie 2 brown hens and one bigger black hen that's feathers look green and blue when she's in the sun.. I don't know exactly what breeds they are I said I'm kinda new at this but they all get along great... One of the brown ones is the one that layed the the egg but for some reason shes maturing faster then the other brown one any ideas why that is.. They run free on my property but she did go to the coop and lay the egg in the nest box.. And one more question after she layed the egg the rooster went in and stayed with the egg and she went back out. Is that normal. Thanks for any advice
The black ones that look green blue in the sun sound like emerald/saphire gems. I have four of them. Gorgeous birds!
Perfectly normal. In fact, it's probably more normal than a pullet laying her first egg and then continuing on for a week of laying! My Easter Egger laid and then took a 9 day break before her second egg. All my others have taken at least a day or two off after their first before settling into steady laying.
I have the same issue! We found a tiny egg, we think it's our Olive egger. She laid it on October 5 and still nothing. We went on vacation for several days and they only went out once (our neighbor was taking care of them). We searched all over the run and coop and even checked all over the backyard. It's been 9 days since she laid an egg! Also, she is roughly 5 months old.

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