Is it ok to leave chicks with candles?

Simple question:
Is it ok to leave the chicks with a candle in a ceramic vase instead of a heating lamp? Electricity power break…
Can you bring them to a warm room instead? (Heated by a fireplace) I don’t think a candle would provide much, if any, warmth for chicks, and could be a fire hazard if they knocked it down.
For short term heat use those hand warmers - I think Hot Hands is one brand. Available in hardware stores and places selling ski stuff.
You shake them and they stay warm for 10 hours.
Make sure to wrap them so the chicks don’t peck them and get at the chemical inside (I use old socks to wrap them). And make sure there is plenty of ventilation as they use oxygen for the reaction that creates heat.
Chicks will snuggle up to them if they are cold.
I would say probably not because chicks could seriosuly hurt or burn themselves since in my experience cases or glass encasements on candles get extremely hot, and as said above it uses up oxygen. Have you considered a rice sock if you have a fire? It’s simply a sock full of rice heated usually in a microwave but I’m sure in a pan on a fire would work temporarily. Or if you have a generator use the microwave. Best of luck!!
Or if you have a generator use the microwave. Best of luck!!
No generator, also no fire place.
For short term heat use those hand warmers - I think Hot Hands is one brand. Available in hardware stores and places selling ski stuff.
No ski shops anywhere near me, as far as I know there are no ski shops in my country at all... snow only builds up to 20 centimetres at the peak of winter on high mountains and stays for a couple days max. LOL
Can you bring them to a warm room instead? (Heated by a fireplace) I don’t think a candle would provide much, if any, warmth for chicks, and could be a fire hazard if they knocked it down.
no fire place, we have very mild winters. But the house only gets as cold as 20 degrees (Celsius), these days. Is that ok?
Hmm. This is a pickle. Do you have a hot water bottle? You could heat water over candles and pour it in the water bottle. Then you could put it in with them and they could use it to keep warm. It might take a while though.
Well what temperature is it? Maybe they are fine without extra heat.
I do know some people use hot water bottles - but if it is actually cold they will need refreshing with new hot water during the night.

Oh sorry - I see you said 20C - that is a bit chilly if they are just a day or two old. Could you fashion a hot water bottle out of something (needs a lid so they don't knock it over and scald themselves)? Could be a tea kettle with a cork or something to seal the spout.

You would need to wake up probably once before dawn when it is coldest and recharge the water in it.

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