Is it possible to build a cute, small coop?


Jun 2, 2014
Hi! I saw pictures of the eglu online, and totally fell in love!!

I understand from people reviewing it here that it might possibly be overpriced. But it's sooo cute!

Have any of you managed to build a really cute coop yourselves? I only have two bantam hens, so it would be quite small. A mini-coop?

If any of you have ideas or pictures, I would be so grateful!
Thanks!! There were indeed lots of very cute coops in the link. What I'm wondering is:

- one of the big selling points of the eglu, apparently, is that being made out of plastic, it’s super easy to clean. (hose down, and done!)

- most of the coops seemed built for a flock; whereas the eglu seemed the right size for just a few chickens (in my case, just 2 bantams!)

I was wondering if people had built their own plastic coops, and whether anyone had pix of a micro-mini-coop? :)
My coop doesn't really get that dirty... The bedding absorbs it all and then the poo just kind of dries out.

You can build whatever size coop you want. We built ours and pretty much winged it.

I think plastic would be hot.

Zero predators? There are always hawks? Or rats? Or cats?
But if you are really set on the Eglu, go for it! I admit it caught my eye at first. Until I realized I would hate living in a plastic house with no widows....
I’m lucky! This would be for a rooftop garden (very high up), big city — no hawks, no rats!

But good point about the lack of windows. Hmm.


I built this small coop for my two hens. Total cost about $125 in materials. It has two nest boxes, a night light on a timer, a 6" fan on a thermocube thermostat, and an automatic door I rigged up using an old auto antenna and a timer. In my opinion plastic is HOT!! I use sand and Sweet PDZ on the floor and a cat litter scoop once a day to clean out under the roosts.
The Girls love it, I love it, the eggs are great and my garden loves the compost.

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