Is it Possible to have " too much" Humidity? (INCUBATION)

Sorry my fingers don't always work right. I had a problem with the still
Air getting the temp set so they were consistent but after I figured it out I think they are great. This is the first year I have used them strictly for lockdown and it made my hatch much easier.
I have 4 incubators
2 little giant still air and 2 that are fully automated. I hatched over 60 chicks this season. Thats about 85% hatch. The 2 still air I used for lockdown. I've heard many complaints about star foam incubators. I had a problem at firsy

Depends on the brand. The Hovabators are styro, but darn good. The new digital LGs are another story. A lot is having a stable environment to help fluctuations. Styros don't last as long either because styros get damaged quicker and the styro wears down. Many prefer the still airs as hatchers.
Day 12 I candled all my eggs All my chicken eggs show signs of life.
I found 5 clear quail eggs so I'm down to 33 now.Humidity has been right around 47%since day 7. I like the Hova bator 1588 so much.I decided to just buy a second one as a hatcher,Now I can add eggs in the In the incubator anytime and as long as I date them,I will know when to move them to the one with high humidity
My long term plan is to be able to add turkey eggs and meat chicken eggs as I collect them.that way I have a constant rotation of meat birds and Turkeys.
I looked at the Cooler bator threads posted and this helped me decide to buy a second Hova bator.The first reason Is I do not need a huge cooler full of eggs twenty to 40 eggs will be more then I need.
My second reason was you need all the main parts in the Hova bator to build your own anyway.
I see no reason I can't dissemble my styro Hova and use the heater and thermostat in a different box if the box get's torn up.
Is it possible to have a level of humidity which can be detrimental to the development of embryos of pre hatchlings........

UP DATE: 7/6/17 9:33 AM

I HAVE 3 LG's. All in operation. Staggered start dates of about 10 days give or take.
TODAY IS HATCH DAY with a different bator than the last hatch which was the premise of this thread.
The lcd display on all of them are all a guide line setting. They will ball park the settings. It is up to me to tweak the desired settings by means of more accurate measurement of heat and moisture.
I have the temp set to 102.5° F on the factory meter and 2 calibrated aux thermometers both read 99.5° at egg level.
Here is the puzzlingly part to me..
The Relative Humidity level read last night on day 20.. 26% on the factory and 75% on my aux Hydrometer, so I thought I was out of the woods.
This morning I have about 17 peepers out of 39 candled eggs, pecking away. Now my Humidity jumped thru the roof. I am at 90%!!!
Last night I drained 2 journals and 1 was already empty from the cheep Styrofoam housing, in an effort to not have a trash bag full of drown chicks like the previous batch.
The room temp is at 78° F. The room Humidity is at 57%.
I have both air vent plugs removed and the windows are so wet it is raining in the bator again!
Desperate to avoid a catastrophic event again, I reached in with a paper towel and dried the windows to keep the drip from falling on my peepers so they don't steam bath.
Our hatch rates were better than 80% before our current rain season started. It rains here every day. I stopped checking my rain gauge a week ago because it is always full. I need a rain gauge that measures feet not inches!

I returned the humidity back down to 75% by wiping out as much condensation as I could without letting out too much heat.
I will update this thread in a bit. Hopefully with positive results.
BTW.. My Berkshire Sow is in labor! Hatch day and baby Berk day!
I'll be back in a little while!
Thanks for reading and contributing!
Back to the peeper factory!
(Edited for spelling not content)
UP DATE: 7/6/17 9:33 AM

I HAVE 3 LG's. All in operation. Staggered start dates of about 10 days give or take.
TODAY IS HATCH DAY with a different bator than the last hatch which was the premise of this thread.
The lcd display on all of them are all a guide line setting. They will ball park the settings. It is up to me to tweak the desired settings by means of more accurate measurement of heat and moisture.
I have the temp set to 102.5° F on the factory meter and 2 calibrated aux thermometers both read 99.5° at egg level.
Here is the puzzlingly part to me..
The Relative Humidity level read last night on day 20.. 26% on the factory and 75% on my aux Hydrometer, so I thought I was out of the woods.
This morning I have about 17 peepers out of 39 candled eggs, pecking away. Now my Humidity jumped thru the roof. I am at 90%!!!
Last night I drained 2 journals and 1 was already empty from the cheep Styrofoam housing, in an effort to not have a trash bag full of drown chicks like the previous batch.
The room temp is at 78° F. The room Humidity is at 57%.
I have both air vent plugs removed and the windows are so wet it is raining in the bator again!
Desperate to avoid a catastrophic event again, I reached in with a paper towel and dried the windows to keep the drip from falling on my peepers so they don't steam bath.
Our hatch rates were better than 80% before our current rain season started. It rains here every day. I stopped checking my rain gauge a week ago because it is always full. I need a rain gauge that measures feet not inches!

I returned the humidity back down to 75% by wiping out as much condensation as I could without letting out too much heat.
I will update this thread in a bit. Hopefully with positive results.
BTW.. My Berkshire Sow is in labor! Hatch day and baby Berk day!
I'll be back in a little while!
Thanks for reading and contributing!
Back to the peeper factory!
(Edited for spelling not content)
Congratulations on the chicks & sow. Please show pics of chicks and piglets
UP DATE: 7/6/17 9:33 AM

I HAVE 3 LG's. All in operation. Staggered start dates of about 10 days give or take.
TODAY IS HATCH DAY with a different bator than the last hatch which was the premise of this thread.
The lcd display on all of them are all a guide line setting. They will ball park the settings. It is up to me to tweak the desired settings by means of more accurate measurement of heat and moisture.
I have the temp set to 102.5° F on the factory meter and 2 calibrated aux thermometers both read 99.5° at egg level.
Here is the puzzlingly part to me..
The Relative Humidity level read last night on day 20.. 26% on the factory and 75% on my aux Hydrometer, so I thought I was out of the woods.
This morning I have about 17 peepers out of 39 candled eggs, pecking away. Now my Humidity jumped thru the roof. I am at 90%!!!
Last night I drained 2 journals and 1 was already empty from the cheep Styrofoam housing, in an effort to not have a trash bag full of drown chicks like the previous batch.
The room temp is at 78° F. The room Humidity is at 57%.
I have both air vent plugs removed and the windows are so wet it is raining in the bator again!
Desperate to avoid a catastrophic event again, I reached in with a paper towel and dried the windows to keep the drip from falling on my peepers so they don't steam bath.
Our hatch rates were better than 80% before our current rain season started. It rains here every day. I stopped checking my rain gauge a week ago because it is always full. I need a rain gauge that measures feet not inches!

I returned the humidity back down to 75% by wiping out as much condensation as I could without letting out too much heat.
I will update this thread in a bit. Hopefully with positive results.
BTW.. My Berkshire Sow is in labor! Hatch day and baby Berk day!
I'll be back in a little while!
Thanks for reading and contributing!
Back to the peeper factory!
(Edited for spelling not content)
I will update this thread in a bit. Hopefully with positive results.
I'll be back in a little while!
Thanks for reading and contributing!
Back to the peeper factory!
(Edited for spelling not content)

So far.. 3 chicks form the incubator and 1 chick from the Broody Hen. All kicking like a mule!
Moma sow has her nest built. Her breathing is not laborer that much. She is in the nest though. I hope she delivers at night because we have an extreme heat index right now.
I pulled the chicks out of the bator. They think they are soccer stars. I don't want them to flip over the other peepers and drown them. Gunna grab the broody hen chick in a minute. She pecks hard!
More pics soon!
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