Is it Possible to have " too much" Humidity? (INCUBATION)

You are so right. A lot depends on the location. It's hot and dry for the most part in Oklahoma. We're praying for rain now. I get 80 to 90 percent hatch with 55 to60 percent humidity. Looks like sort of a guessing game.
We purchased a hydrometer recently. We have a lock down coming up. I ignore the factory meters now.3 different Bator's, all same models. All factory meters are off big time. So are the temp set meters. I have one set to 103° F and have installed 2 other calibrated aux thermometers that both read it as 99.5° F.
Junk.. Non professional toys to get you started. Then you can graduate to more reliable equipment.
Well I have high hopes for my 1588 Hova Bator . I have tested the temp with a reg accurate therm. and it is exact. I have not tested the hydrometer with any kind of tester but I keep my house cool with ac and as soon as I pull lid it always starts reading 33% or so. I have made very minor changes to surface water and it is reading the changes perfectly.
The information I have gained from this thread is invaluable to me.
I am very certain I have avoided second guessing myself and possible making a mistake that could have been a disaster for my first hatch.
I have very high hopes now. Thank you all.
We purchased a hydrometer recently. We have a lock down coming up. I ignore the factory meters now.3 different Bator's, all same models. All factory meters are off big time. So are the temp set meters. I have one set to 103° F and have installed 2 other calibrated aux thermometers that both read it as 99.5° F.
Junk.. Non professional toys to get you started. Then you can graduate to more reliable equipment.

Are they the digital Little Giants?
I started incubating 3 years ago and had the turner. I pulled it out on my third hatch and found my rates improved with hand turning. I believe hand turning is better, personally.
I believe hand turning mimics the results as if the broody hen was gently vibrating the egg while she rotates them. Gently touching together and lightly taping together.
We have improved our rate removing the auto Turner.
Opinion of course. But fact on our records.
I have good news 20 chicken eggs out of 21 defiantly have life.The one Im not sure about is dark and has a large dark area were it should be so maybe I have 100% live chicken eggs.on day 10. Air sacks seem ok.I also have 38 Quail eggs in the same incubator. I only held light to a few of them and it looks the same. I guess Im going to buy a second cheaper Hova bator to use as a hatcher.
Any suggestions on this plan?
I have 4 incubators
2 little giant still air and 2 that are fully automated. I hatched over 60 chicks this season. Thats about 85% hatch. The 2 still air I used for lockdown. I've heard many complaints about star foam incubators. I had a problem at firsy

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