Is it Stealing?

I found $150 on the side of the road one day years back when I was walking on a lunch break. I though cool extra money and being a young single mother at the time figured I could use it for some groceries. Well about 30 ft down from it was an electric bill that matched the amount. I figured it was for that and since the bill said past due electirc will be shut off. I went to the local pharmacy and paid the bill with the money. Three weeks later I went back to pay my own and the lady at the counter said a man came in with his elderly mother asking who found and paid their bill for her. She said she didn't know my name, but that I came in once a month to pay my own bills. He left a thank you card with $100 in it. No good dead goes unnoticed.
One year we had DDs b'day party at Build A Bear. When we went up to pay, it was only a few hundred. Being surrounded by 10+ elementary kids, I didn't give it much thought. A couple of days later, I decided to ring up all the tags, they didn't charge me for over $300 worth of items. I called the manager and said I'd be more than willing to bring in the tags and pay the balance. The manager thanked me and said it was their mistake and to not worry about it.

This past Christmas, I ordered three creams off Ebay for me, my mom and my sister. I ordered two together and then one more. In January, I received a fourth! Knowing I'd eventually use it, I emailed the seller and told her what happened and asked for an invoice for the 4th. She thanked me for my honesty and told me to keep it free of charge.

When I was a kid, I found a wallet with $100+ in it and no IDs. Mom took it to the police station and after it remain unclaimed for 90 days, they gave it to me.

Besides just being the right thing to do, honesty does pay.
No, the reason that the left hand (or the left side for that matter) is consdidered "the Devil's Hand" or "Evil" and the right hand is not is that the latin word for "left" was originally sinistra. Which in English means sinister. The latin word for right handed is dexter "meaing manual skill". OVer the centuries and through out various religions and variuos cultures, the left has always be considered evil or bad. The reason people of a certain generation (here in America) or ethnicity or various cultures were (and still are!) "fixed" as Olive Hill put it as to make sure the Devil or evil forces or entities could not have a doorway or pathway into the child.

You are correst in the Middle East, the people do Not use the left hand to eat. That is why if a thief is caught stealing, the RIGHT hand is cut off. He must then use is left hand for everything and people will know right of the bat that he is a thief. Talk about a theft deterant!!
Sorry to get a little off topic! I tried to tie in stealing though!!! hahaha!
I give it right back. At the end of the day when that cashier's register/balance comes up short, she will be fired or written up. I think that it's stealing. It doesn't belong to that person.

How would that person feel if she lost her wallet and it had about $500.00 (rent/car note) in it along with her ID/Contact info and someone found her wallet? What if the finder of the wallet/money just took the money without trying to locate her. How would she feel? Sorry but It's not right.
In 06 I found a wallet in a parkinglot. I took it in to the pet store with me and had a cashier watch me go through it. I found the ladys ID and looked up her phone number. We called it and left a msg for her letting her know I was leaving it at the store. The manager took my name and number and locked up her wallet. The next day I got a call asking for my addressso she could send a thankyou. I figured it was just going to be a card so I gave it to her. I got it a couple days later with a $50 check. I called her back and let her know that I was going to use it to hold me seat in a class that was starting. 2yrs later I graduated college with a 3.8 and 1 month later I passed my RVT boards. That $50 was all I needed to do it and I was having trouble coming up with the money.
Awwwwww, what a happy ending. Karma. It always comes back. You should be proud of yourself. And congrats on graduating with a 3.8 and passing your boards. Way to go!
It was the right thing to do. There was no question about the $500 in the wallet.

Now I am back in school again. I have till July 29th till I am done. This time its for human medicine. I am going for Medical assisting. I will prob take my registration boards in June or July then at the end of July or when they are available take the certification boards. I plan to work as a MA for about 5-8yrs and when the house is paid off go back to veterinary medicine.

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