Is it Stealing?

Hubby is REALLY good about spotting wallets and money....he would take it back to the store and let them handle it. A few people told him that he should have taken the money, say nothing about the cash, and give back the wallet. Hubby looked at these people and told them "Glad you are not my friends!"

He knows about the good deeds, it makes him feel better. He is teaching our daughter about that too!
A slightly different twist on the OP question is where I live has an extremely transient population we have a number of folks who get off a sea going barge walk to a convenience store stop by one of 3 different bars and then walk back to the ship. These ships sometimes are here for 3-4 days most of the time they are here 2-3 days and then go back to their home port. They unload natural gas sometimes they load recycled steel etc but as a kid I would walk down the HWY and pick up quiet a bit of money on Saturday and Sunday early in the morning . The same hwy has quiet a few junk men that haul old cars to recycle them and the hwy is constantly littered with tools parts etc same deal the junk men never return to clean up the mess made I pick up and keep most of these too, you cannot imagine the things I have found when I am in a marsh. LOL On a side note we have a good bit of unsolved crime and a LEO was telling me he suspects a lot of is people committing a crime and then just getting back on the ship and leaving .
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I wish your hubby had found my wallet when I lost it several years back. I got the wallet back, but the more than $700 of cash that was in it when I lost it was long gone.
It's been a long time since I've heard anyone else talk about this. My father is Native American and was insistent that my mother MUST "fix" me when I started showing signs of being left handed as a young child. And for the same reason. My mother refused -- most of the women in her family are left handed, including her! -- but I ended up mostly ambidextrous in the end anyway. I still write with my left hand and I also eat with it, but in most everything else my right hand is dominant.
Wow! It's so refreshing to read so manymanymany stories of honesty & decency. Add me & my family to this growing list of those who think the OP's pal is wrong in her thinking. I imagine she has her own definition of what it means to steal, that it means to actually take merchandise from a store shelf and walk out. But when a cashier mistakenly returns extra money in change to your friend or neglects to ring up an item she probably considers herself more of an opportunist rather than a thief.

But your BYC buds consider it WRONG, whatever label you want to put on the action.

In my kids' Sunday School we're teaching a series on Kindness, with emphasis on the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. That's the yardstick we need to use to measure all our actions towards others. I tell my kids that you also have to go beyond thinking "would I mind that happening to me?" and try to put yourself in other's shoes and think "would they mind if I did that to them?"

Ask your pal how she would feel if she made a costly mistake unawares and someone else took personal advantage of it instead of bringing it to her attention.
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Olive Hill, I hope that person that stole the money would have their conscience bother them and bites them in the butt!

Hubby used to carry large wads of money when I was dating him. I told him it does not do good if he lost his wallet and someone would have taken his two weeks worth of pay out of it. I told him to start up a checking account and use the debit card for large $$$ and only carry around twenty dollars cash if he needs cash on hand. He was never taught about banking, his father and mother are very cash orientated folks, so distrustful toward banks, refused to deal with anything except for their mortgage and one truck. It has been over 12 years and he was glad he listened to me because a few times he misplaced or lost his wallets at the check outs in stores. Never had to worry about losing that much money in one spot.

If we take a trip, we would take cash for stores that don't deal with credit cards, each one of us have certain amount of cash on hand. I have a private sash in the vehicle that I hide my money or large amount of it. It would take a screw to undo the money bank LOL!

It is unbelievable how many kids steal things and when they become adults, they would steal like it was nothing.
It's been a long time since I've heard anyone else talk about this. My father is Native American and was insistent that my mother MUST "fix" me when I started showing signs of being left handed as a young child. And for the same reason. My mother refused -- most of the women in her family are left handed, including her! -- but I ended up mostly ambidextrous in the end anyway. I still write with my left hand and I also eat with it, but in most everything else my right hand is dominant.

I was half raised in western NC and back then the right hand was the hand for blessing and the left hand was like you described . I was "fixed" took me a while to sort it out
I thought the left hand was used for unsantarity reasons, like the Arabs do when they eat and you will not see them eat with their left hand. Is it because the tradition of the heart lies more on the right side of the body means right hands are closer to the heart.

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