Is it tomorrow yet? OMG! The # of pups she had! UPDATE pg.7

Another german shepherd like our puppy Jax, because one oversized moose in a small house is simply not enough.
Will she send you baby pics when hes born? Do you get to pick which baby you want? If she sends you baby pics we demand them..
Yeah, we have the choice of letting the breeder pick or we can pick. The breeder knows exactly what type of personality and looks we want.
I'm fighting with myself to keep from emailing them to find out if mama's temp. has started to drop yet.

Don't worry Miz Red. You know me and you know there will be pic overload.
or feeling puppy dog ear. or smelling new babies head.

sorry, didn't mean to hijack, just got carried away.
Kat, I know how excited you are, let us know the progress of the labor pains.
or feeling puppy dog ear. or smelling new babies head.

sorry, didn't mean to hijack, just got carried away.
Kat, I know how excited you are, let us know the progress of the labor pains.
Has someone reminded the mama that she has to have the pups today? Sometimes mamas like to build the suspense and make us wait an extra day or two. That would make the wait take as long as 8 weeks and two whole days!!!!! Aurgggh!
(Mean, aren't I?)


so, has she had them yet?
I'm waiting impatiently and vicariously through you.
Take her for a long walk and feed her castor oil. (That's what they told me to do, didn't work, I was almost 4 weeks late with my first).
edited because I need to install a spell check to my brain.
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We don't have the mama, the breeder does. Good thing for the poor dog too. I'd be sticking a thermometer up her you-know-what every five minutes to see if her temp has dropped yet.

To make the waiting easier, I did order a bunch of baby (puppy) toys online last night.
Ok, It is Monday night... Has she had them yet? How many boys? Girls? Color?

Mmm Puppy shopping, hard to choose just one, Elitek9, Hallmarkk9, dogequipment.... drool, I may have to go browsing tonight.

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