Is my chicken a rooster?


In the Brooder
Sep 25, 2019
I got this whole flock together, from the same place and same age. They are 12 weeks. They were all supposed to be hens. The red ones are my cherry Eggers, and one has been growing much bigger and developing features faster. I'm wondering if "she" could possibly be a rooster? The red parts on her face have been prominent since she was a chick.


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I really wondered! This is my first flock, and I raised it since it was 1 week old. It's always had such a nice temperament so I thought it developed faster. I know roosters tend to be mean. Do they just develop that at a certain age? This one is very docile, but I know its only 12 weeks old
I really wondered! This is my first flock, and I raised it since it was 1 week old. It's always had such a nice temperament so I thought it developed faster. I know roosters tend to be mean. Do they just develop that at a certain age? This one is very docile, but I know its only 12 weeks old

Actually there’s a lot of nice roosters out there. All roosters are mean is a very common stereotype. It really depends on the individual personality of the bird.

A lot of my favorite and most friendly birds have been roosters!
I really wondered! This is my first flock, and I raised it since it was 1 week old. It's always had such a nice temperament so I thought it developed faster. I know roosters tend to be mean. Do they just develop that at a certain age? This one is very docile, but I know its only 12 weeks old
not necessarily true, they are a nightmare during teenage years, but he's used to interaction just make sure he doesn't see you as one of the hens an discourage behaviors you don't like and rarely one you've raised from chick become human aggressive, If he does try to attack then it's time to go to the stew pot or freezer camp.

Note once Hormones level out if was nice chick up to teenage years he will normally return to nice.

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