Is my crossbred chicken a rooster?

She is so pretty! I say "she," lol, as if we know for certain. I don't, but am also pretty sure it's a pullet...I don't see any rooster feathers, either, and the comb seems pretty 'feminine' I guess. Yes, she also reminds me of an Easter Egger; they're not a pure breed, FYI. But with the greens legs, pea comb, gorgeous blue with red color, and smaller size/upright tail...well, let me just say I've seen EEs pretty similar to her. ;)
Dang, this is a hard one ... My first thought was pullet but that comb is awfully RED, don't see no wattles, feathering looks to be pullet but that tail looking cockerel but he/she is really pretty/handsome. Could you repost pic in another month?
Compared to any siblings it might have, are the feet/legs much bigger than the others?
I believe that it does have longer legs, and it stands up straighter. I don’t know if this helps, but when it isn’t separated from the other chickens it freaks out and tries to get back in. Unlike my buff Orpington pullet, which starts eating grass or looking for worms. I don’t know if this is just personality or the rooster need to protect the flock.
I believe that it does have longer legs, and it stands up straighter. I don’t know if this helps, but when it isn’t separated from the other chickens it freaks out and tries to get back in. Unlike my buff Orpington pullet, which starts eating grass or looking for worms. I don’t know if this is just personality or the rooster need to protect the flock.
When it is separated. Auto correct is annoying.

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