Is my flock normal?

My flock is kinda like that. Whenever I come in sight they all sprint over and look at me through the fence, and I've learned to take baby steps when I'm with them because I've stepped on them more than once. They're always pecked at my hair and boots and clothes, but I don't think they're "biting" me, I'd say they just don't know the difference between the food lady AND the food.

Luckily I only have 6 though.
Oh Mylanta! Seems extreme. Mine run to me, follow me, sometimes jump in my lap to see if I have something Im hiding. A few will peck at my toenail polish if Im wearing flip flops. Sometimes they will squat in front of me so I almost trip over them. Once they see Im not giving them any treats, or I do give them treats, they wander off and do their chicken things. I used to have a cuckoo marans that bit me all the time, sneak up behind me and bite my legs. But certainly not the whole flock.
Your birds need some time in the naughty chair!
I have been raising chickens for over 30 years and never had a flock like that. (Be very careful that you don't pass out outside - you won't stand a chance! :lau) But my chickens have never been allowed to jump on me or be anywhere near my face. I train my cockrelsy from the start to mind their manners and respect my space. Chickens will do what they are allowed to get by with, and it sounds like yours get by with a lot. Do you feed them treats? That could be part of the mob behavior.
I can't thank you all enough for your responses! :) So, the general consensus is that my flock's insane. :lol: Perfect. They fit into this family quite nicely. ;)

Just for clarification: my original post wasn't meant to come across as a complaint, or a cry for help. It's simply describing the behavior we face every day, and wondering if anybody else is in the same boat. :):lol: Not to mention bits of humor sprinkled throughout. :p These birds are established pets as a whole, and I wouldn't dream of replacing them with anything less....ahem....quirky. ;) An enclosure to preserve both the well-being of visitors and chooks might be perfect, though.

@9SpiceyChickens - we're situated on approximately 3 acres surrounded on all sides by open field. Everybody wanders to their little hearts' content. :D

@BantyChooks - I expect nothing less than velociraptors. ;) At least the hatcheries came through! Loved reading your posts, per usual. :) Sounds as though your elderly girl was precious.

By the way, those are some gorgeous, mannerly chooks! :love

Hens, yes. :lol:

@RodNTN - gotta love those lap chickens. :) I have a few, myself. Better break out the safety glasses! ;)

@BantammChick - I'd like to know why you're stealing pictures of my birds in action....:p:lol: Kidding. That's hilarious.

@bobbi-j - If I faint outside, nobody will know what become of me. :p Scary thought, actually.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who complimented! :) They're certainly a mixed bag of "ethnicities." :love:lol: I like variety.

The cats, by the way, are every bit as persistent. ;) It's impossible to catch a quiet moment out there!

Saw this today, and immediately thought of this thread for some reason. :lau

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