Is my white silkie rooster show quality?


Jun 15, 2023
Hi friends, I am new here. I am wondering if it's worth my time to enter my white silkie rooster to a show next month. Please let me know any feedback as I am entirely new to entering poultry shows and how to judge!

He is a little bit dirty from the dirt bath but if I clean him he will be very white.
Anyways, here are the pictures:


Let me know what you think and if it's worth it entering him! The show is about 2 hours away and I don't want to be disqualified for something he has! Thanks!!
Bonus to judge my splash silkie rooster, since I am thinking of entering 2 chickens (sorry for bad pictures he keeps moving but I am only gonna show a few):
Is the show an APA show?

If so, I recommend you buy the book of standards from their site. It states everything the bird should have, and specifically what would be a DQ.

The book also tells you which colors are accepted colors.

There is a lot of detail in the book and you can learn a lot.
Yes it is an APA show. I am trying to find the book right now, but is it alright if I do last year's edition? I read on the APA website there can be lots of judge biases so it feels as if I can enter any chicken as long as it doesn't have any DQ factors.
What are his feet like? (How many toes, spacing etc?)
I don't really show silkies but those are traits I take a look at.
Let me know what you think and if it's worth it entering him!
Welcome to BYC! :frow

He's not what I would consider show winning (based on crest shape alone).. though competition quality also matters..

I'd also like to see the lobes looking more turquoise, though maybe that's just the pic angle.. and I'm NOT a qualified judge.

As far as I know.. splash is not show able. That doesn't even look blue splash beautiful as he is, looks like some reddish leakage on the shoulders or something that;s just not right.

The experience alone might "be worth it"! Maybe still attend even if you decide not to enter??
I wouldn’t recommend showing him. He seems unbalanced (much more neck than tail) and much of his feathering on his feet and tail isn’t silkied.
He wouldn’t be disqualified, but he isn’t good.
Thanks for your comment! Would my splash rooster be the same thing? figured some of his tail and feet aren't so fluffy but could you make them fluffy if I took them a bath and blow hot air?

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