Is she a Americana chicken?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 26, 2009
Richmond, KY
Okay we bought she from a breeder, and he said he didn't have any americana chickens, so I got the weiredest one I could find. And now that I look at more pics of them I want to she she is an americana chicken. Oh she was 10 days old when we got her and now she's about 7 weeks old.Thanks in advance.




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If the breeder said he didn;t have any ameraucanas, then I am sure he didn't. And he would probably have mentioned that he had Easter Eggers, so I doubt that. There are many,many breeds of chickens, and you can get a mix from any two different breed parents, so expecting that a random mutt will be an Easter Egger is pretty pointless.

If from a breeder, I expect that it is actually a breed. From the colouring, a silver-something-or-other.

If you want an ameraucana or an Easter Egger, you need to get one that is advertised as such, not just hope that a puppy will be a kitten instead, to make an analogy.
He said he had Black Stars, Golden Comets, Plymoth Rock, and thats what we got. And we have 3 baby Americanas, Black Australorps, RIR, Cornish, White Rock.
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What kind of comb does she have? Is it a flat pea comb, or is it straight like the combs on the other chicks from the same seller?

She doesn't look like a black star, golden comet, or barred rock. Male black sexlinks look like barred rocks and are dark as babies. Is it possible the seller had columbian rocks for sale and she's a columbian rock instead of a barred rock (like Mahroni suggested)? They have straight combs.

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