Is Something Wrong With Ethel???


6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
My chicks are all 7 weeks old and completely feathered. All except Ethel! She seems to be too far behind everyone else. She was my "free" chick and I don't even know what she is! If there something wrong with her, or is she just slow to develop? She eats, drinks, runs, jumps and acts entirely like a chicken should. I'm not worried, but I've never seen this slow of development before! Sorry for so many photos. Thanks for the help!

7 weeks flock small.jpg 7 weeks ethel 2 small.jpg 7 weeks ethel 3 small.jpg 7 weeks ethel small.jpg :frow
It certainly looks delayed with respect to the others.
But it also looks different from the others.
It seems to be the only one that has feathers on its legs.
Ethel might not be a hen. Rooster's feathers grow slower than hen's. I think your free chick is a rooster.
Did you order Just pullets or a mixed chicks? If you ordered just pullets then your free chick would be a pullet too however if you ordered mixed chicks then it could be a roo and roos tend to feather in slower (one of the easiest ways to sex them when they are young).
If ethyl was your free chick you most likely need give her a new name... efrham, elmer, eli, eenis...... anyhoo... i do believe it is a dark brahma. Our free chick looked exactly like yours a year ago. Now he is a beautiful awesomly quiet wonderful boy. And yes we had only an all pullet rainbow pack...... here he is now. Grey also was the very last to feather... took him FOREVER.
Ethel might not be a hen. Rooster's feathers grow slower than hen's. I think your free chick is a rooster.
Oh, Lacy don't tell me that Ethel is a roo! I ordered chicks from Murray McMurray and I ordered all GIRLS! I already have discovered a boy, I named him Black Bart. He was easy to spot at about 4 weeks. This is his photo at 7 weeks. I have thought maybe Ethel is a he, but I sure hope not. I've had nothing but trouble with having two roosters at once and I don't want that. . . again! Tell me it ain't so. black bart 7 weeks small.jpg
Did you order Just pullets or a mixed chicks? If you ordered just pullets then your free chick would be a pullet too however if you ordered mixed chicks then it could be a roo and roos tend to feather in slower (one of the easiest ways to sex them when they are young).
Hey Dani, I ordered all pullets. Just like last time. I have already identified one rooster in my flock of pullets, he was easy to spot. I sure hope Ethel is just Ethel!!
View attachment 1305480 If ethyl was your free chick you most likely need give her a new name... efrham, elmer, eli, eenis...... anyhoo... i do believe it is a dark brahma. Our free chick looked exactly like yours a year ago. Now he is a beautiful awesomly quiet wonderful boy. And yes we had only an all pullet rainbow pack...... here he is now. Grey also was the very last to feather... took him FOREVER.
He's a beautiful boy! I have ordered all girls and identified one rooster already. Named him Black Bart. I do NOT want 2 roosters, I didn't even want one! I'm praying hard that Ethel is just a girl and somehow slow.
He's a beautiful boy! I have ordered all girls and identified one rooster already. Named him Black Bart. I do NOT want 2 roosters, I didn't even want one! I'm praying hard that Ethel is just a girl and somehow slow.

If yours turns out to be ethyl great! And i really do think that yours is a dark brahma like our grey is. If not.... give him a chance! This boy is seriously a great gentl giant boy! The ONLY time he crows is once of a mornin, if a new person goes into the run with them and if there is danger. Our other roo the dolt crows all the stinkin time. He is super sweet with the ladies but very watchful. We had three... one went in the pot pretty quick.... the heir is a doltfaced jerk! And he is gonna be the test bird for the chicken plucker soon. Then grey is our spare... and when we need another roo i wouldnt have a second thought about another like him. He will eat out of my hand only after the ladies have had their share. And yes i know dont feed the roosters and we didnt at first but he always got a glob dumped at his feet for him to call his ladies to him. Lol. Bratty boy would wait at my feet and dance for me til i gave him his bit on the ground. Then one day he was content to eat a few nibbles out of my hamd but only after his ladies have theirs. Ever the gentleman he is.

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