Is there a gracious way to deal with surprise houseguests?

Get some balls and use the advice on this post.

I like the letter to everyone, then you have something to show them when they do show up uninvited and have a hotel address and number ready to give at the door.

Good luck and they will get over it. Or try just showing up at their place and see how they like it:D
I've been told I'm about as subtle as a sledge hammer.

Anyone showing up at my door unannounced expecting to stay more than an hour would be turned away, and if that someone had been told beforehand that I couldn't host yet came anyway, well I'd have absolutely NO PROBLEM with being rude to them.

I would never be that rude to anyone, and will not tolerate them being that rude to me.
I only answer my door about half the time as it is.

I don't even want local family & friends dropping by w/o calling first 'cause I'm rarely dressed.
my uncle has a much bigger house and lives 5 minutes down the road

Now that's an idea... !

When someone shows up at your house, tell them "So sorry, we're going out of town for a few days, but I'm sure Aunt Sue/Uncle Joe/Grandma/Sister-in-Law would be so happy to have you stay... why don't you go on over there and surprise them!"​
I gotta agree, take the advice on this thread!!! I know how it feels not wanting to be mean to people, I really do, and a lot of this advice would make me feel bad for being mean. But at the same time u gotta stand up for yourself!!! These people, no matter how much you love them, can't walk all over you like this....I like the holiday card idea, sent both by mail and, if applicable, e-mail as well.....then stick to your guns!!!! Good luck!!!
Tell them "Due to our Liability Insurance being in limbo, we just can't have house guest until the matter is taken care of". "So sorry".
Thanks, you guys!

I was hoping there was some other way I hadn't tried yet, but I guess I will have to break down and assertive.

Like the Xmas letter idea. Will definitely do that to start with.

Am also seriously considering the nudist / nudgenudgewinkwink thing. That actually worked really well for the friends who liked to drop in on us to use the swimming pool--the day a couple of DH's friends caught me skinny-dipping with my friends in the pool, suddenly they didn't want to swim in it anymore...
Although I think some relatives might just yell, "Rosalind, get dressed and take me to the Imax!"

DH tends to complain that I am rude to people, I've been making a concerted effort not to do that. I can go back to it though. Real easy...

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