is there a interest in some standard silkie eggs

A.T. Hagan :

our adult standard silkie hens weigh about 8-10 lbs.

Wow! Hard to imagine a Silkie bigger than a Rhode Island Red!

I was thinking that same thing.
When I see the silkie in pictures one and two, I would put the weight at 5 / 5 1/2 lbs max. The bird in the second picture is no bigger than that sex-link even the White Silkies in post 35 are not much bigger the the bantam silkies. lol My 7 pound R.I. Red hens would tower over them bantam silkies.

I would like to see a picture of the "8-10 lbs" silkie on a scale and a picture of it standing alongside a 2 liter bottle.

FYI the bantam silkie the one hen is standing next to, is a bigger bantam. the black one is closer to 5lbs. i wish i had gotten a pic of them with my standard cochin roo. as 3/4 of them are just as big as him. it is hard for me to get good pictures, as 90% of the time i am by my self, i dont have help to get a good pic. ill see if i can get someone to help me get better pics.

my smallest white standard hen is just a few inches taller than my big silkie roosters. but she is young just under 4 months old and not even laying yet. the eggs are slightly bigger than my rhode island red eggs. hatching babies right now out of the std silkie eggs but they are mixed with my standard cochin roo to improve type since its so hard to find a quality silkie rooster that is big enough to breed the girls.

i will see what i can do about getting pics of one on a scale. we dont drink soda so i dont have a 2 liter bottle laying around... i can tell you tho that these silkies are bigger than my RIR hens. the pic with the white hen by the sexlink she was a YOUNG pullet then i think she was 6-8 months old, and if you look she is even bigger than the sexlink.

i sent eggs to one person the other day and she couldnt believe a silkie laid them.
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FYI the bantam silkie the one hen is standing next to, is a bigger bantam. the black one is closer to 5lbs

Them Black silkies don't look much bigger than that 3/4 x 6 decking board at the bottom of the fencing. (post 35)

i will see what i can do about getting pics of one on a scale. we dont drink soda so i dont have a 2 liter bottle laying around.

Milk jug will do.

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FYI the bantam silkie the one hen is standing next to, is a bigger bantam. the black one is closer to 5lbs

Them Black silkies don't look much bigger than that 3/4 x 6 decking board at the bottom of the fencing. (post 35)

i will see what i can do about getting pics of one on a scale. we dont drink soda so i dont have a 2 liter bottle laying around.

Milk jug will do.


that isnt 3/4 x 6 decking board. that is a slab of wood that is 8 inches wide not six the width varies.
as soon as the wind calms down i will grab a few of the hens and put them next to a milk jug. winds are 50 mph right now.​
So that I get this right, You are saying that your "Large Fowl" Silkies are 8 to 10 pounds right?

Just for comparison;
Jersey Giant (largest breed in the APA I believe) -
Hens 10 pounds
Brahma -
Hen 9 1/2 pounds
Cochin Hen 8 1/2 pounds

So that would make your Silkies around the size of a Jersey Giant Hen and larger than a Brahma and Cochin Hen (IF they weigh 10 pounds)

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i have a 8 month old standard cochin rooster 4 of the hens are the same size of him. i have other hens that are smaller either because they are young ( 3 of those) and a few that are out of the origanal hens crossed with a bantam rooster.
i have at least 12 people who have been here and was amazed at the size of the hens i have. none of my silkies are with in the APA standards. they all weigh too much . i know this because my daughters showed 2 of the black hens, and 2 of the white hens last year at the fair and they were DQ for being over weight. the judge was giddy with excitement. she had been wanting big silkies for a long time
and yes i am saying that i have silkie hens that are bigger than a cochin, that weigh around the same as a jersey giant. i have a friend that has a scale she uses for her rabbits. we are going to get together in the next few days and get you the pic of a few hens on a scale.
Well lets go off the wire then that would put them at about 12 inches, that would be to the back of me smallest R.R. Red and she 7 pounds.

But yes take pictures if you would..
Thank You.

yes and those are the black silkies those have been weighed they were just over 5lbs at the state fair in Idaho last september.
i will take pics of several on the scale, one at a time. as soon as my friend is free to get over here.
I would love to see pictures too, not because I don't believe you, but because I'm quite interested.

I would love some eggs one day.
i personaly was sooo excited when i reallized how much bigger my original hens were are 6 months old than normal silkies. regaurdless of weight all my white silkies are remarkeably bigger than the normal bantam 2-3 lb silkies. and the fact that they can cover 12-18 eggs when broody makes me smile.

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