Is this a baby chicken?

Thanks for confirming, guys! :) I've been wondering where it came from as well. Neither neighbor on either side of me have chickens. It didn't look like it was able to fly, I only saw it run.

Do all chickens grow a comb? I thought it would have one by now (I estimated it to be 4 weeks old).

Aww, @nchls school, is that yours?
That does not look like any of my Easter egger chicks but Easter Eggers are mutts so they all look different. So it could be an easter egger. How did it end up in your yard? A chick that big normally isn't going to walk miles away from home. Do any of your neighbors have chickens?
The legs are yellow...the same color as the beak. Does this mean it's not an Easter Egger? I assume legs don't change color as they grow ;)

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