Is this a blood ring?

If they haven't even been in the incubator then there's no way for a blood ring to appear, The blood ring shows up normally when an egg that's at least 4 day into incubation has started forming but then suddenly died.
Well it is theoretically possible for a blood ring to be in an egg only if the egg has been partially incubated by a hen/hens before being collected. If an egg is sat on for more than 12 hours or if it is stored above 20 degrees C it can start to develop.
Well it is theoretically possible for a blood ring to be in an egg only if the egg has been partially incubated by a hen/hens before being collected. If an egg is sat on for more than 12 hours or if it is stored above 20 degrees C it can start to develop.
I don't know if a hen had set on it or not. But I did wonder because there is at least on other that has that same look. The others don't have that reddish line.

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