Is this a blue ameraucana? If so, is it a hen or roo? thanks

I would appreciate more responses so that I could text her this post. Thanks for your responses and time.
That is absolutely a blue Ameraucana cock, no doubt!

I have several just like him in Lavender and Black! :gig


Anyone else wanna confirm too??? :D


Here's a black and a self blue/lavender cockerel of mine for reference... :)

Will someone please tell me if this is a blue ameraucana? If so, is it a hen or roo?
The lady I bought it from a few days ago, says with out a doubt it is a hen. However, I'm just curious she/he did a wing dance with some of the other hens we've just added. It also, has or what seems to be mated with 2 or 3 of our newly added hens.
Is this a hen just showing dominance? The woman refuses to take it back unless it nice. Thank you for any responses.

Without a doubt, that is a cockerel.
Absolutely a cockerel.

first, there's the color. Blue pullets are not this shaded in the hackle, wings and tail. Blue females are an even shade all over, more like this bird (not an Ameraucana, but see the difference in color shading)...

there's also the overall look, he's leggy and upright, male traits. Pullets of that age would be more rounded, feminine and finished looking.

Hackle and saddle feathers just kind of finish things off.......

Shame on the seller for giving you a hard time. I've had folks be unhappy with birds for one reason or another and have always found a way to make it right for them. She should, too.
Pointy saddle feathers. He's a Roo
here is my americauna Roo
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