Is this a Coyote proof coop?


May 28, 2022
First time chicken owner here. I just released my 4-week old pullets into their coop and now am paranoid that a predictor will take them. I live in Southern California and we have a problem with coyotes and an occasional bobcat. Any thoughts on this?


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First time chicken owner here. I just released my 4-week old pullets into their coop and now am paranoid that a predictor will take them. I live in Southern California and we have a problem with coyotes and an occasional bobcat. Any thoughts on this?
I think electric fencing would help. Coyotes can jump over a five foot fence (region may vary). They may be able to tear through the screen you have, I can't tell what it is. I know that where I live in the midwest the best deterrent is a pair of donkeys.
Donkeys are of course awesome, but unfortunately I’m not getting one any time soon. I have an 8 ft fence around the property but somehow, I’m still paranoid as it only takes 1 time for a predator to get through… Would a flood light help at all??
We’ve certainly had coyotes get over our privacy fence before so it’s not unrealistic to be cautious.

Since both the coop and run appear to be covered, I would be most worried about digging. What sort of protection do you have to keep them from digging underneath? About 2 feet of hardware cloth secured flat on the ground all around the outside of it or buried about a foot deep could help prevent that.

Lighting doesn’t seem to deter them in our area. They often wonder down the brightly lit street at night.

Does the hardware cloth on the run feel secure if you put pressure on it? Hard to tell how it is fastened and how much support it has from the pictures. You could always beef that up by adding some additional fencing, fasteners, and/or bracing if you feel it isn’t strong enough.
HC can be broken through if the predator is big enough and determined, but in general is quite strong as long as it’s well secured. If you’re concerned, I’d back the HC with something like welded wire fencing and use screws with fender washers or sandwich with a strip of wood. We recently witnessed a large bobcat clawing on our HC trying to get a meal and it held up great without any damage. I’m sure it’s not the first time, we just happened to be home. Anti dig skirt is also a good idea
Thank you so much you guys! I already have the coop sitting on a wooden platform (anti-digging). Yesterday I secured the stapled-on HC with additional zip ties everywhere and THEN my bulldog gracioudly - but far from gracefully 😂 -agreed to test the strength of the construction by leaning his entire body weight’s onto the net with his paws (he’s 54 lb). It held up great & didn’t even bend! Phew, now I can sleep knowing that my babies are safe.

P.S. I did also install a motion sensor LED light to scare off potential predators - I’ve heard coyotes don’t like those.

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