Is this a good incubator for the price?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
ok, I broke down and bought the bator, from my friend...its an older one....but seems to hold the tem just right...and the humidity. He put a new wafer in it, before he sold it to me so he could make sure it was in good working order...he hasnt used it for a few years. He said he ran it for 4 or 5 days...everything ws good. There are also 2 new wafers...still in the he gave me a book...A guide to better Janet Stromberg Total price..was $50.00 Did I get ripped off....again!?? Here are some pics....



Yup, I am trying the whole incubator thing the eggs in my home made one are 4 days late, and nothing so far...I just wanna try! I wanna be able to say I hatched these babies myself...since my hens dont seem too interested in going broody.
As long as it hatches eggs successfully for you then you were not ripped off in my opinion. It just might work better than the styro styles.

Others that have used incubators far longer than I have might be able to address the price you paid.
I agree,,,,if it hatches the eggs then it was NOT a rip off. PLUS,,,looks like it holds a ton of eggs, way more than a regular one. The only drawback to this unit would be no window to watch the hatch and no turner. However,,,,you could easily place a turner in this unit so you wouldn't have to turn alllllllll the eggs. Looks like it will nice and easy to clean between hatches too. Probably last forever! Good luck! Julie
There is a little window in the top....and this guy said it holds 100 eggs. OHhhh, I will NEVER hatch that many. ( so I say ) LOL When I asked him how he turned all those eggs, he said...3 or 4 times a day...just open it....roll them around with your hand..and give them a little spritz. ( This is an older gentleman) I said...what about putting an x on one side, and an o on the other, so I know how much to turn? Which he replied...well...iffin ya wanta get fancy, I guess you could, but I get darn near 100% hatch, and have for years. So, my first batch...x's and O's...LOL. Maybe next time....rolling them..will have to see. IF these ones hatch...I am going to go on the hunt...for special eggs....I WANT PRETTIES!! LOL
LOL,,,,welllll if'n I was you,,,,I'd stick to the ole X's and O's myself! Sometimes it's the ole country farmers we can learn best from,,,like he said,,,,he had 100% hatch rate! Of course, if I would have just rolled around that many eggs,,,I would have been sure to miss some and they not hatch because of me! Good luck with your eggs! I'm hatching some pretties myself,,,,if they will hatch, that is! I'll post pics as soon as they do! Can't wait,,,,I'm on pins and needles waiting!!!!!!! Julie
i was told just today by a lady that has raised chickens her whole life that that was an excellent book. not just about hatching, but raising chickens in general..i'm off to find a copy tomorrow. is a very informative book....there is a section in there, that tells you hour by hour, whats happening in the egg...heart first beats...eyes form...toes form...very interesting! I hope you can find a copy.
hello.. i agree, if it hatches, than i think you got a GREAT deal..!! Hey, are there some "Duck" eggs i see in there, or are they all chicken eggs.. Good-luck with the babies....
Roosters wife....those are Frizzle eggs...and RIR/Mix eggs. My hens lay EXTRA LARGE eggs, all the time. I tried to save some that were not too big, as I was not sure of the outcome. I have a scale...and 99% of my eggs, are off the chart large! They are only 5 days in....UGH 16 to go!!

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