Is this a Red Sexlink?


7 Years
Sep 14, 2012
I have two chickens that both of the previous owners say are red sexlinks but they look very different. Which one is which and what is the other one? I was told they are both girls and the lighter one was supposed to be laying but hasn't. In the past couple days her legs and feet have turned a reddish color.


2 pics of my sexlink. Its hard to tell for sure by your pics but the 2nd pic looks a lot like my hen. The 1st pic might be a RIR ( rhode island red ) or poss a young Roo. Good luck :)
The seller just told me they were red sexlinks. However the person who sold me the lighter one also sold me a sumatra/ameracauna mix that was supposed to be a girl and he started crowing a few weeks ago.
I would expect that a red sex link pullet would be red. A sex link is a cross that produces chicks that can be identified by color at hatching, When they are bred they can, being mutts themselves produce anything. She still will probably be a good layer. The parent breeds used are usually good layers.

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