Is This Brahma A Hen Or Roo?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 25, 2010
Okay, just picked this Brahma up today, obviously the one up front in the pics, and wondering if it appears to be a hen or rooster? The gentleman I got her from said he was uncertain and it was a little hard to tell with the Brahmas. I got a a golden laced wyandotte from him last year around the same time and posted the pic on here. He said it was a hen and he was certain. You chicken experts on here overwhelmingly said it appeared to be a roo and you were right. A few weeks after the post, he started crowing. I am hoping this one is a girl cause I can't have any roosters here for the neighbors. Also, any idea on the age, he says about 12 weeks or so. Thanks and help is appreciated.


Ummm, that appears to be an awful lot of comb for a Brahma pullet. Can you get a couple of side shots and maybe a closer shot of the head and comb?
Wow, that brahma sure is skinny looking. I wonder if it's a mix. I'd say a boy too, but I'm not positive.
Do you have a close up picture of the comb? It looks like Rose comb and not a Pea Comb.
I don't think that is a Brahma or at least not a pure Brahma.

Okay, just going to find her (him) a new home. Last time I sent out the pics, you all were right and I got really close and attached and had to get rid of him, so better now than later. Thanks.

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