Is this even a chicken? Help with breed

It's a chicken LOL

She looks like a cross between a silkie and a cochin to me. I have a cochin (buff/partridge) that has the same colouring

Looks like a pullet as well.
I believe that the information about the parents that you received is correct. I also believe that you have a girl, so it'd be hard to predict her comb growth, as pullets like to hold off on developing their combs until they are close to 5 months old (longer if you have a slow maturing breed).

She's very pretty, and it'll be exciting to see her fully feathered and grown!
Thank you so much for all of these replies and for the pictures. This forum is SO helpful! I'm excited watching her grow, too. She's getting very pretty. I can't wait to see what color her eggs are. The seller also told me her mother lays blue eggs and showed one to me.

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