Is this Golden Comet hen, a rooster?


7 Years
Sep 9, 2012
This is our third set of hens, first to include three Golden Comets. Six pullets hatched 5/6/12, none are laying, yet. One of the Golden Comets has a fabulous comb, appears to be developing spurs, and I swear she has started to she a he? Her coloring is that of a hen. What is going on?

This picture doesn't do her (?) true coloring justice.


Another of the three Golden Comets, note minor comb.

The three Golden's with the Barred Rocks, day three.
That's really bizzare; that's definitally a roo! I've never seen one colored like a hen. Perhaps it is a second generation, and they aren't sex linked anymore? I think the males are supposed to be white as chicks as well.
Wow I would definitely say that its a rooster. Where did you get them from? Looking at the picture of the chicks, the one farthest to the right does not have red striping and the other 2 reds do. I dont know how he could have gotten the female feather pattern if he's 1st generation. Very strange but interesting, he's deffinitely unique!
Since you listed the hatch date I'm guessing you hatched them yourself. You probably bought comet hatching eggs, this gives you a second generation bird and you lose the sex link traits. The first bird is a roo, the second is a hen.
The first one is a very nice looking Rooster the second is a hen. I agree with the post above if you hatched them from hatching eggs then he is likely not first gen which accounts for his colors.
No, I bought them from my local feed store, they have them shipped in by order.

I let them out of the coop a bit earlier this morning, no doubt "she" is crowing! Thankfully, I don't live in a neighborhood!

Now the decision on what to do about it. Give me reasons that I would want to keep a rooster.

We received two roosters from a straight run group of bantams from which my kids picked. I didn't want roosters since we live in a neighborhood (technically can have them, but knew they would possibly disturb neighbors). My roosters are wonderful additions to our flock! When all 11 chickens are roaming the lawn, my roos alert the flock to anything flying overhead. On several occasions, they've warned of red-tailed hawks giving the hens a chance to dart for cover. I love to hear them crow (even if i t is from the laundry room).
I bring the little guys in every morning so they don't disturb the neighbors.

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