is this guy really worth 100 dollars?

I have heard that in some "not widely advertised" circles, FINE roosters can sell for considerably MORE than $100.00.

But, this breed of Rooster ain't that kind.

I don't know that I would spend THAT kind of money for a rooster to breed when at the same time, I could easily get day-old roosters from various hatcheries and then "cull" to the phenotype that I desired. It might cost $100.00 also....., BUT I would have a LARGE SELECTION to choose from.

just an "unlearned" opinion,

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You forget that each chick costs money, then there's the heating bill for keeping them warm, the feed bill for growing them out and then the fact of the matter is that out of all the birds you have, none make the cut.

Then you spend more money getting the desired bird, which makes your cost go above $100, OR if you do find one bird that is similar to what you want, you breed it to your females and wind up not getting a single chick that is anywhere near acceptable and have wasted your time, money and space for providing for a bird that will give no progeny for all of your work.
There are a lots of chickens from exhibition breeding that sell for $100 and much more. I have a buddy that routinely sells young pairs of his for $75.00 at swap meets.

The bird in that picture looks to have an awfully long back for a top end Australorp. And the tail seems to not be coming in with the angle required in an Australorp either.
I have 12 nice looking australorps and I wouldn't give 100.00 for that Roo.

There is one that I would probably give quite a bit for, but I'm not sure I would give 100 for him, and that's the Roo to my flock. He is gorgeous and weighs 13.5 pounds.

I'll put a pic. I'm just hoping that one of my Roo's will take after him in their appearance and size.

(He is much better looking in person and you can really see his size better, but here's a photo of him. His legs are not white, they just look white in the pic. They are the correct color.

I'm sorry, but I wouldn't give $100 for your bird either. The bird in the ad is a bit better quality than yours, but I'm sure he's a lovely ladies man for your flock! He looks proud!
I wouldn't pay more than $25 for that roo. Unless it's a rare breed or show winner- roos should be FREE. He IS nice- but he's just an australorp. I do feel for the people though- coons can ruin everything you've worked for in your flock in one night.
Reply to Rodriquez Poultry regarding my "uninformed opinion":

It seems to me that for the $100.00 Rooster, I would be "running the same RISKS" that you mentioned about my thought about buying "day-old chicks".

NOW, I will admit that IF I was well-acquainted with the breeder and breeders practices and breeder's birds and could "pick and choose" amongst said breeder's birds......THERE would be a SIGNIFICANT difference in philosophy on my part and the $$$ consideration would be of a different sort. "unknown entity" such as the Rooster mentioned on this thread from Craigslist........Don't believe that it would interest me at all at that price.


P.S. I'm CERTAINLY no "expert" in this area of discussion, but I believe I do have some deep comprehension of business transactions....including the "Greater Fool Theory"
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That bird in that pic is not my bird, I said he is the ROO to flock. I also said he is much nicer if you were to see him in person.

I also said, I would not give 100 for him either, but would probably give quite a bit more than what I paid for mine, which was 9.00 each.

Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers:lol:
Ah, I'm sorry, I must have misread your post. I had thought you said you were not sure you would pay $100 for the rooster to your flock.

No feathers ruffled! He is a handsome guy and is probably very protective of his girls! He definitely looks like the king to his throne.

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