I just got my first two chicks (have a flock of 10 outside) and I'm super afraid of a heat lamp fire, especially since our Rubbermaid "brooder" is in my daughter's room. I've read stories of faulty clamps, etc, and I would just die if something happened because I didn't know what I was doing. I got a clamp light and 250 W red bulb at Coastal, clamped it to the side of the tub, then ran two separate lines of picture wire to anchors in the wall. I just want to make sure a.) it's secure enough, b.) I'm not overheating the chicks, c.) I'm not going to start a fire, and d.) that its normal for them to lay down and go to sleep and that doing so is not a sign of overheating. I hope these aren't super obvious answers, but I never had to do this when I bought coop-ready pullets!