is this natural?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 22, 2013
i recently hatched 6 chicks which are all 3 weeks and 2 days old. 3 of them are white leghorn/barred rock mix, one austrolurp/bared rock mix and two full blooded barred rock. one of the leghorn crosses has a full tail while the others hasn't even started to come in. i hope she isn't the only hen. At what age will the roosters begin to crow cause i suspect one maybe two roosters.
Well that's a first. Never heard anyone ask how to get a rooster TO crow. My youngest crower was at 6 weeks. I have several 12 week old boys that are still quiet. You'll need to wait a while longer. Crowing isn't the only indicator. You want to look for early comb development and redness and cockerels often have thicker legs. Post some pics.
i was asking cause im scared the one with the tail feathers is either the only hen or an early bloomer. i just wanted to confirm it.
It's so hard to tell when they're that young unless you get a chicken sexer or they are a certain breed. Mine get tail feathers and develop red combs and wattles at different times for different genders. I almost killed a hen because I thought it was a rooster at 18 weeks old! Wait until they are fully mature before you make any rash decisions.

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