is this ok? few questions!


9 Years
Jan 4, 2011
Hello! I am wondering on starting in a few pigeons. I have lots of animal experience and have been doin a little research so tell me if i am off on anything :)

Pigeons pretty much pair up for life. I will need to go by how many pair of birds.
Is there any suggested space per pair? I havent come across that yet.

The pigeons can do well with a chicken layer / grain mix. If i get some layer and do like 50% wild bird seed, 45% layer, 5% cage bird seed? I see so much variety in feeding that i was unsure. Is there a "best" protien % etc to aim for? I havent seen pigeon specific feed and dont want to spend tons on feed. I am wondering if i could even get to feeding them alot of food scraps and farm grown stuff and not need to buy much.
I know they need grit for digestion. And chicken feeders and waterers seem to be commonplace.

There is a local guy i know (at least i know he was a few yrs ago for sure) that had doves and pigeons and all and i have seen em at auctions.
I havent gotten there yet on breeds and sexing. Kinda hope for simple color sexing but i admit i am a sucker for color variety. Links appreciated.

I have a bunch of stuff already. I am wondering if some would be suitable to use if i decide to go into this project.
I think i would want to start with one or two pairs. Sell/eat the eggs. Sell/eat started birds raised from my pair(s).

I have cages i made that now sit empty. Three. Each are about 30 inch deep, 5 foot long, 24 inch tall. Floor wire is 1/2 by 1 inch. Sides and top are 1 by 1 inch. If i made one (or all) into a sort of hutch and fly pen would that be good housing?
Probably start with the two cages, one into an "inside" section with walls and roof, feeder, waterer, nests. And the second one attached and open (or roofed??) as the fly pen. That would make about 30 inch wide x 10 ft long x 2ft tall. Good for a pair or two and some young birds?


You are a lot better prepared than when I started out.
I am very prejudice when it comes to pigeons.
If it is not a homer pigeon it is just a pigeon to make me wish I had a HOMER PIGEON.

The best way to determine the sex of a pigeon is to ask another pigeon.
In a perfect world the pigeon on the right is usually more iridescent and larger than the ♀ pigeon on the left.

That being said no matter which method you choose to sex a pigeon mistakes are sometimes made. I usually can tell the gender of a pigeon just by looking at it (but I have been know to make mistakes too.)

On that note:
If you place your pigeon in the company of a know gender pigeon one can usually tell the gender of the pigeon in question by the reaction taken by the know gender.

(Too many references to gender in tha sentence but I think you can follow).

Check out the link the pigeon bowing and circling is the bird walking is ♀:

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Just remember pigeons are pretty resilient, I have seen guys raise pigeons with just whole corn. But I would use milo or corn, wheat or peas, and if you want a 16% Pigeon or chicken pellet. If you are wanting squabbing pigeons, raise utility kings, Hubble's, silver kings, or in your case probably Texan Pioneers. Texan Pioneers are sex linked, all cocks are white with colored ticks in neck. All hens are either faded Ash Red , faded blue or faded brown. Or you could raise a utility breed and make your own sex-linked mating. Use blue cocks on ash red hens, all squabs that are blue are hens and all cocks will be ash red. Or even a brown cock on a blue hen, all hens will be brown and all cocks will be blue. Or you could even use a brown cock on a ash red hen, all hens will be brown and all cocks will be ash red. As far as a pigeon house you could probably easily have 4 pair in each pen, just remember each pair needs 2 nests, one for the squabs they are raising and one for eggs. They lay 2 eggs and hatch them in 18 days first egg, 17 days second egg, that way both squabs are hatched on the same day. You eat them at approximately 3 1/2 weeks to 4 weeks old. Just as soon as the feathers fill out under the wings but before they leave the nest. They are fully mature but are not tough yet like an adult pigeon. Most people do not eat the eggs, you can, but chickens produce more eggs, more cheaply. Pigeons do not eat scraps like chickens. They like whole grains, with some sand or grit. Most commercial pigeon people keep 32 pairs of pigeons in a 8 x 9 foot pigeon house with a 8 x 10 foot fly pen. Just remember then you need 64 nests for that many birds. Most pigeons ( squabbers ) raise 16 young a year. I have some pairs that have raised 20 to 22 young a year. The best you can do is 22 young a year. Unless you get birds from a commercial pigeon plant you will probably not get what you are looking for. Although I know of a few guys that are trying to get production up in their birds again. Hope this helps.
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Hi Faderacer,

I saw your post on pigeons and woud like to know if you know where I can get some Hubbles pigeons?



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