Is this true??

Wow this is so interesting, thanks everyone.
I actually used to like a white egg, but i think its because i always saw brown eggs that when i did see a white one it felt like a change. The first time i ever saw a blue/green egg when i was a kid i was amazed and wanted all of them, but the whites are just as rare as they are now. Before we had our own hens we had local farmer who would deliver fresh eggs to us every week and everytime he'd open his box if there were any blue or whites i'd always scoop them up first.
Now the chocolate brown eggs my Marans lay are my favourate only because i think they look so pretty.
Yes your right all eggs sold here in supermarkets are sold on the shelf and not fridge, but not sure how you came to that conclusion from knowing we mostly sell brown eggs. I'm guessing all eggs in US are sold in fridges?
Here it is brown eggs too and non refrigerated. I have never seen any colour other than brown in the shops. Isa browns are the main egg layers for the shops here.
Yes, in an open case sort of cooler for the most part. I believe the health rules say that they must be at or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit... I grew up without refrigerated eggs, and traveled throughout Europe/GB etc and since I've always been disgustingly healthy, I figure neither will kill me so I just laugh at it all.
This is interesting about shelf or frig. I have always kept my eggs from store or our layers in the refrigerator but just recently we had some friends who had been out to Oregon and they had been to a market where the eggs we sold right off the counter and were told that how they should be kept, I don't know does everyone refrigerate or store room temp?
Are most of the eggs bought in the shops free range?

No, unfortunately. They do have some free range but most are still either caged or barn laid. Most people I know keep their eggs in the fridge, they just aren't sold that way.
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Why are most American barns "barn red"? Farmers reply because that color is often the cheapest.

When asked about paint price structures, the local hardware store said he sells a lot of "barn red" paint so he can afford to price it cheaper than the other outdoor colors. (!)

I think American Industrial farms found that more economic egg-laying machines laid white eggs. And so it came to be.
I think most people here always refrigerate, i do and everyone i know does.
I wander why most eggs bought in shops here are free range and not everywhere else. I wander if its because theres too many predators in other countries. Why do you think this is? To be honest i don't even think caged or barn eggs can even be bought in this country anymore. There must be a reason for this.
Maybe ya'll are realizing that free range are better for you and better for the chickens. I would really like to see a change in the USA with regard to all animals sold as food. At least we are being offered it more than ever before in our grocery store we can buy humanely raised beef and pork and chicken now,and milk without hormones added.
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