is wetting chickens an OK way of keeping them cool.

They dry quick enough in a dry heat. It's saved my girls more than once, but I only do it when they're in dire straits. But I agree - it's not necessary if you have other means.

My coop now has A/C.
I live in a humid climate, so wetting is a no, but i have no idea about dry climates.... i have sprayed those suckers with the hose before when i caught them over the garden fence though!
I tried misters in the quail and chicken pens during the heat of summer (we max out about 35C here, with moderate humidity). The quail loved it and made little mud wallows. The chickens not so much — they preferred to stand in a very shallow tub of water in the shade. I did give a quick shallow bath to an overheated pullet with no ill effects.
You can. I've dunked them up to their neck when they are showing signs of heat stress. But there are easier ways.
  • Give wading ponds (shallow pans) with cold or ice water for them to walk in
  • Fans (like you mention)
  • Misters, if it's a dry heat
  • Cold treats, like watermelon frozen fruit
  • Lots of water containers to encourage drinking more
  • Electrolytes in their water
  • Deep shade they can relax in
My chickens LOVE a sprinkler head on very low. I mean LOVE it.

How hot? I'm curious, being in the US.
We live in a house bus that moves so a few of those things are not options, i do give him watermelon and cold food, (il try frozen fruit though thanks) Im not sure what exactly constitutes a wading pool. but thanks so much for your reply :D
Can I be one of your chickens? I'd love A/C
When I got my chickens, I picked really pretty ones without taking my climate into consideration. My poor Cochin really suffers - so much so I thought about rehoming her. She's nearly died on me a couple of times. I've since moved and 115°F summers are a thing of the past. But she doesn't well in the 90's, either. Not on death's door, but definitely not happy. So I got her an air conditioner.

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