Is your Roo really involved in the "hen's business" ?

I'm on my third rooster now and they all do that - not sitting, but very protective of their girls.

I love roos! They are true gentlemen. They free range around here and they find good nesting spots and coo to the girls to come and lay. A hen will come over and the two will sit, the roo cooing while she lays an egg.

Also when finding good food he'll make a gurgling coo call to the hens and they come running, then he drops it for them just like a mama hen does for the babies. He also lets them take food out of his beak.

I've got some shy wyandottes who won't take food from me, so I'll hand feed the roo and he turns around and gives it to his girls.
I've watched him hand out a whole bunch of grapes without getting a single one.
Some of my older girls have 'issues' with the new ones so I placed my chicken tractor in the run to better protect my 5 week olds when they spent the day out side. At the end of the day, all the older girls had gone in for the night, but my Roo (named Freezer Chicken) stayed out with them until we got them all back in the coop. Once the last one was in, he jumped into the coop and looked into the seperate area that the little ones are kept. Almost looked like he was taking a count to make sure that all were back.
My does that he makes these noises when new food is put in or somthing good to eat is around and the hens all come running to eat and he just watches lol!
Haven't had any hatchign roosters becuse my hen isn't laying yet. But I had 2 roosters living together. One slept backwards in the hen box (he was too fat to turn around) and the other roosted above him. It was all well and good except the late night/ first waking poo that ended up on his back.
I dont have chickens, but my ducks are similar. My one oldmale will either sit with my girl or at the entrance and wait for her. Often, if she lays in one of the kennels or boxes that arent that highof the ground, all 8 of her children ( all over a month old and almost fully feathered) will try to fit in there with her!

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