ISA Brown not laying

Barbara Q Dad

In the Brooder
May 22, 2017
I'm new, bought an isa brown layer (Barbara Q) this weekend. I have coop (8×16) with nesting boxes & run, coop is equipped with light on timer for 16hrs of light daily. Using same brand layer feed as hatchery. No eggs yet. I understand sometimes there a month delay after moving them before egg production resumes. Should I purchase additional layers? Thought starting slow with one bird would be best.


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How long have you had her? I myself have had so much trouble integrating burds in to a flock (when the did not start out together) that i would quick go get a couple more! Prob wont change her laying but they woul get slong best if shes not been alone a long time.
Chickens are flock animals, and do poorly when they are alone. I would recommend getting 2-3 more layers soon so that she has some company. Adjusting to a new environment takes time, so it may take her a while to start laying. How old is she?
How long have you had her? I myself have had so much trouble integrating burds in to a flock (when the did not start out together) that i would quick go get a couple more! Prob wont change her laying but they woul get slong best if shes not been alone a long time.
How long have you had her? I myself have had so much trouble integrating burds in to a flock (when the did not start out together) that i would quick go get a couple more! Prob wont change her laying but they woul get slong best if shes not been alone a long time.[/QUOT. I'll pick up a few more today, I've only had her 2 days
Welcome to the adventure! As noted, she will be happier with a friend or two (you'll soon master chicken math, lol) and production will resume once she had settled in a bit.

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